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Alright guys. So I got some bad news earlier today saying that my counter notification for the copyright strikes I received on youtube were denied and that my channel would be terminated. All of this happened without getting a single response from Entura. I've sent them 3 different emails asking them kindly to remove the strikes, I told them I'd remove all the videos, I told them I'd do whatever it takes, just please don't make me lose my youtube channel that I've worked so hard on, but still no response... I won't give up. I'll continue to email them until they respond, but for now, here's my new channel. Please subscribe and share. Love you all!


Entura... WTF? JayPerView second channel

Entura... Back at it with the bull crap. Help support the channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/WalkingUndead Twitter/Instagram: JUSTvanillaICE Snapchat: xWalkingUndeadx



Does this mean you won't do anymore Outlander reactions even with just the audio?

Nui Tammakoon

May the force be with you,Jay. Don’t give up


this is really heartbreaking. i haven't watched your content for a few weeks just had lot going on in my personal life. but i have been working on that tattoo idea drew some designs which i plan to mail you with at the end of the month. and i had so many videos to catch up on...you're easily one of the best reactions channels and i'm sorry this happened to you. peace and love from across the world


That sucks, and it's completely unfair. If someone makes claims against 7 of your videos all at once, not giving you any time to respond to even one of them before giving you a second, third, etc., that should count as a single strike, not 7 of them.


I'm so sorry to hear that Jay. Can't believe this happened to you. It seems so unfair. Of course I will follow you on your new channel. I will follow you where ever you go. :)


Oh, I am so sorry, that sucks so much. All that work! And for Outlander?! Which isn't really that good, only the first season. Can we do anything? Somewhere or someone we can mail and protest or something. (Don't know much about all the legal stuff though) But I mean if only half of your subscribers write and protest, that'll be 15,000 mails!


Seriously sucks, but we will continue to support you no matter what. Just hold on.

Thomas Pearce

Damn, there was some classic moments in those vids as well. Like, "They are fucking special---they are a gift from the heavens!" LOL! And Jays reaction to Noora taking down Nico. I watched those reactions over and over and they always brightened my day. But oh well---I'm sure Jay will give us more iconic reactions. :)


Or "you're not ok, I'm not ok, Even's not ok.... Tears!"

Julia Green

Good luck with rebuilding. I know you can do it. I will keep supporting


Still here for you man. You can do it again. You've got real fans who aren't going anywhere. Look at this as an opportunity. Looking forward to seeing you rise from the ashes.