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Hello. I suppose I should probably say something now that this has started to generate a bit of attention (I'm still completely overwhelmed by that, by the way).
The reason there have been no further updates are kind of twofold. First, I had a multitude of big problems and also a crapload of smaller ones, though I don't want to bother anyone with details so I'll refrain from talking about them here (if anyone really wants to know specifics, I guess you can message me on Patreon and I'll tell you about what happened). Secondly, the complete lack of feedback disheartened me a little bit. I'll admit that I don't much care about the money (I just need it to pay for further art for the game) but having absolutely no one give me any sort of feedback just made me think my work was garbage and, suddenly, putting more work into it just felt very unfulfilling and pointless. My fault I guess for being so insecure about it.
Still, I had actually tried to put out an update at the beginning of April, but said problems I mentioned kept me from finishing it on time, which just served to further disappoint me. I don't mean to sound whiny but I guess I'm just easily depressed (figuratively speaking, of course).

So, onto actual progress updates:
- Day 4 is pretty much done, has been for a while (save for some typo fixes). It doesn't include any tennis matches as it's a day more for building on the characters more.
- Day 5 is a branching day, meaning you get to choose who you spend time with. Because of it, the specific scenes for the specific characters are somewhat shorter, but, looking at it all in a single cluster of text, this is probably easily the longest day so far.

I intended to finish Day 5 for all three characters to make a 0.2 version update, which I still think I'm going to do (I don't like the idea of putting out an update with very little in it).

By the way, I was completely caught by surprise by my VN being posted on U18. I had a few friends from the furry discord I joined (that I joined to advertise my VN, mind you, and ended up never actually doing it) tell me later that they thought I was the one who posted it. So when my Patreon started beeping, I was very much confused. Still, thanks a lot to those who liked the demo enough to pledge. It means a lot to me!

I did see some people there saying they hoped the tennis wasn't going to be too much of a focus. Well, there are going to be quite a few long matches, as it is the Protagonist's main drive and motivation in life. I was thinking of making options to skip the tennis matches for those who don't really care about the sport. What do you guys think? If anyone has any thoughts or feedback on it, hit me up in the comments. Also, if someone, for some reason, would like to talk to me, you can send me a private message asking for my Discord handle (one of the perks of having a pretty small project is that I can actually talk to people individually).

Oh, and a big thank you to the Echo VN team (is there a way to tag another Patreon account here for them to see it? If there is, someone please tell me) for the tweet on their (also a bit unsure on how many people are working on it. Is it just Howly?) account. It definitely means a lot to me. Echo is one of my favorite furry VNs, although I'm very short on money so I could never pledge to it (sadly), so I was definitely fangirling a bit when I saw it (figuratively speaking again, of course. I'm 100% a guy).

Also, another big thanks for Vic, who basically tracked me down and told me of what was going on. I had just seen the U18-Chan post and was still kinda terrified about it. He certainly given me quite a bit of support and feedback and I'm very grateful for it.

Well, I tried to avoid a giant boring wall of text but I guess that was unavoidable. Still, thank you to everyone who felt this was worth something. You have no idea how much it means it me. Cheers!



Oh my gosh T_T *hugs you* Life without feedback and support is really hard. To be honest, I'm in same boat now, so, I can understand your feelings. But... I... I can only wish you good luck to find the great community for your project. I played the demo and I like it, seriously, but, unfortubately, I don't understand anything in tennis, so, I skipped those scenes. But I see a really hard work... You're trying so hard, agh... I understand that... Really. Let's bring our dreams together, so! I'll pray for you ;) Good luck... I want to see this project finished.


Don't sweat it, I can understand how unmotivated you can get when you hardly get any feedback. I, myself hardly give any. I am a terrible person and a lurker and I embrace this. However I do like this VN and would like to see it continue.


it cool man, I play the game today and give you feedback in a few days. cool?


sorry, i don't usually talk/type to people much and I'm not that good with details, but i really like your demo, i liked how much content was in it, what the story about, the art. I really think its one of the best first demos. So um sorry don't usually give feedback and i hope because of this it didn't hurt you too much when you saw no feedback. Also i hope your problems are getting better, but i definitely want to see more, and would love to see the finished product. :D good luck, I'm usually a shy person so >.> can't wait :D