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Good evening, everyone,

For those who follow the project's twitter account, you might have seen me mention it a few hours ago. I've been updating a lot of TA code over the past few months and, to get rid of the one bug that would cause the game to crash whenever a user loaded an old save, rolled back a line of dialogue and then kept reading (it would cause Ren'py to delete default variables that were recently added), I updated to the latest version of Ren'py. Doing that however caused some code to break and it required a fair bit of rejiggering behind the scenes to get it to work.

In addition to that, update 0.63 is definitely a very ambitious one. It's aiming to add days 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 for Jun's route. Right now, this pre-release contains days 36 to 38. I'll be releasing it before the update is finished (which means it ends abruptly at teh end of day 38 and lacks a proper conclusion still), but I want you guys' feedback on it. Did something break while you were playing (other than the saves. Odds are that all saves are broken)? Did something in days 36, 37 or 38 feel odd? Those kinds of things.

Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OtWI6lh3D7G_zifsGvn3UM0vpkGLKqdI



I can't even open the game, it just crashes with the error message: "the specified drive, path, or file could not be accessed. You may not have the correct permissions to access the object."


I got it working somehow. Maybe was some issue with my firewall or something


I am able to load already existing saves because it seems to be when you make save games not work its after a certain point of the game so if i save often enough i seems to always have a save before that point. The game works fine for the days you have done for this update.


My initial results are mixed. Most of my Jun saves don't work, I get the screen with the error code. I have a Day 10 and CS 3 save and those load. After that, I have a Day 26 that does not work and the other saves are after Day 26, so they do not work as well. If I load my Day 35 save, I can hit Ignore and it will drop me back to the CS screen and all of Jun's hearts are filled up. If I get the error message, when I chose to start after the CS page, the game improperly formats the interface on the screen. I can play the VN, but the pause button at the top and all three buttons on the bottom are missing (backward, fast forward, and skip.) I have the auto-play button and all the text, but nothing below it. I can start a new read through and I have all the buttons, but I can not speed through the text since it seems like the game forgot I have played the route before. I don't know if I want to have to click through the entire game over again but maybe I'll just have to start with my CS 3 save and go from there. FYI, I'm not complaining, I wanted to give you as much feedback as I can. If you need anything from me or what me to try something, let me know.


Ah, yes. If you get an error when loading a save/a broken save, there's really no point in hitting ignore since the game will be unplayable even if it loads. On the matter of the skipping however, you can go into Options and enable "Skip All". Renpy uses "Skip read" as default which doesn't ler you skip text you haven't played. Using Skip All with the "Skip to Next Choice" should let you get to the latest content in under five minutes.


After starting from the beginning I was able to play through just fine. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Everything felt fine and flowed smoothly as usual. :3


Thanks for the suggestion. I was able to move from CS 3 to the new scenes fairly quickly. Though I didn't click RUN fast enough the first time, oops. Damn timed responses. 😂

Jammy Dox

Apart from broken saves, I didn't notice any issues with bugs or anything. Everything so far was super cute, and I enjoyed it immensely 💜 The only small thing that felt a bit odd to me was the end of day 36. It felt like it ended abruptly after the text conversation rather than having their phone call to end the day. It didn't really take away from the rest of the new story. It just felt a tiny bit off.


from what ive noticed so far theres a spelling mistake in day 36, it says "they last ones were a life saver". sorry if this sounds nitpicky , also in day 37 when jun walks in i jumped from the sound (not a critique just funny). another question is what is the song that jun plays on day 37. another weird mistake on day 37 is the self dialogue that reads weirdly. it says "i aware tend to space out alot", day 38 there is "since i'm been leaning on them alot". again very sorry if this is nitpicky, its my first time giving feedback on an update for a vn. Also the sound effect used when saya enters the house on day 38 felt sorta "not powerful enough for saya slamming a door". it rather sounded like someone casually opening the door. im gonna stop listing grammar and spelling mistakes cause i feel like it was too mean, but this is why its a patreon release. all in all, i really liked the update, very fun and a (personally) needed break from the mental trainwreck that was last jun update (in a good way). keep up the good work

Kevin Gomez

I found it work around by accident


The days themselves feel good to play, it feels natural to have these few short days to reestablish the mood to something more lighthearted, the only thing that felt a bit off to me was the dialogue with Saya on day 36 ending a bit early and there being no mention on how it ended after. That aside this a very cute and enjoyable update, thanks a bunch!


I fixed the errors listed. The ony thing I can't do much on is change the Saya sound effect, since you usually have to buy rights to use those, it isn't super viable to buy single-use sound effects. Also, you don't need to apologize for listing errors. Those are incredibly helpful to me. Overall, I am glad you enjoyed the update and thank you for the feedback.


I will keep that in mind and try to improve it. That isn't the first thing about Day 36 that was brought up as feeling somewhat rushed, even if it is true that I'm rushing to try and deliver the update by the end of the month.


Overall I feel it's fine, maybe just mention how the conversation went in the little segment after Saya leaves, regardless a very nice job


No bugs on my end. A good pre-release! I am looking forward to the finished version. Jun and Haruki are by far my favorite characters.