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Hello everyone, how are you guys?

Sorry for the delay in getting a status update to you guys. I get so focused on working that it still slips my mind to let you guys know what's going on due to it. But I did promise to be better with keeping you guys posted, so I'm here a little late to give you a status update.

The next update is coming along okay. It did get delayed more than I'd like sadly due to college + the background work required to kickstart Haruki's route.

On the college thing, it's pretty simple: my professors surprised us by letting us know that we are expected to start working on a research project that will turn into our graduation thesis (despite the "official" start date for our graduation thesis being next semester) so I had to pivot some time into collating research materials, deciding on a theme, doing viability studies and the like on the spot.

As for the Haruki route, I was working on the plans for it to make sure the route wouldn't meander or be too long. Trimming the fat from my old outlines as it were. The only thing missing before I can put out the first update with Haruki's route is for his chibi to be finished for the character select.

Haruki's first update will include his 8 character select days for sure as well as MAYBE include the first day of his route proper. I do leave that as a "maybe" because the character select days themselves will already be a bit longer than those the main three got since Haruki isn't as much of a presence in the prologue and needs to be properly introduced (the plot points to his route, that is).

It also took a lot more work to program his new sprite into the game due to the complexity of it. I had Nyaruh do every piece of clothing separately instead of designing them as whole outfits. It gives more freedom to mix and match in the future (I can, for instance, show Haruki with a shirt and underwear on instead of having to choose between underwear OR a shirt which is a level of flexibility the other characters don't have). I'm still trying to fix the quirks with it since that level of complexity made the programming for his sprites somewhat of a nightmare.

Oh, and I also got Jun's kiss bust. It will appear in the next Jun update, but if you guys want I can post a teaser showing some of its variants in-game if you guys are curious. Just let me know in the comments if you want to see it!

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. I'll try to get the next update out as soon as I can. I am currently typing this from class so I haven't taken the time to proofread this post or make sure I'm not rambling.

Oh, and I also finally got back on my ADHD medication after over a year without it. That is more of a personal update (kinda), but it should help me with work once I get accustomed to it again. I was taking Vyvanse before which is a much milder, longer-lasting medication. Now that I'm back on Ritalin (because Vyvanse is too expensive), I'm having to get used to how "violent" the effect for it is, and right now it is hindering more than helping since it gives me a weird vibrating sensation in my body and all I can focus on is how weird I feel.

For now, that is all. If you guys want to see screenshots or teasers of the Haruki sprite or the Jun kiss bust CG or have any other questions, feel free to type them in the comments. I want to keep an open avenue of communication with you all!



Would love to see screenshots and/or teasers of Haruki's sprite! The work on him so far has been stellar and I can't wait to see more of him

It's Santa Keisuke

Hope that new clothes system won't be a nightmare. Good luck for the college stuff and i would love to see the jun kiss


Haruki is my personal favourite character in Tennis Ace, but I'm cautiously curious on how a route focused on him will play out. I really hope that you find a very natural way to integrate him into the story without it feeling any kind of forced, as I never really saw Yuuichi have much love interest in Haruki as he pretty much only appears after you choose Shoichi as the route, so your choice is already set in stone. At the end of the day, I believe that you'll make it work somehow as your story really shows that you have a lot of love for your characters.


I love Shoichi so much and his has been the only route(s if we include the "b" route) I've done but I will HAVE to break his heart because Haruki is so great I'm so looking forward to his route thank you so much for making it real


I imagine that for Haruki, you're using Ren'py's image overlay system, in which case... May whatever deities be listening have mercy upon your soul, because the coding sure as shit won't. And, yeah, I want to see the preview to Jun's kissing bust, if you're willing to share it.


Thanks for the update! It's alright to take your time, I'm in college working on my thesis too and I get how much time (or lack thereof ;w;) people have because of it. Good luck on your thesis and I'm very excited for the next update! Also, since Haruki is getting a chibi... can we expect a Haruki keychain too at some point? 🥺👉👈


glad you were able to get the meds for your ADHD my man, looking forward to the new update and harukis route, thanks for the update o/


Oh heck! I saw some stuff about Haruki but didn't read it (lazy AND dyslexic is a bad combo!), so I hadn't realised he was getting a route :D That's awesome, I dig grumpy wolf :) Also, as others have said, your college work (and life in general) take precedence over the VN. So take care of yourself. OR ELSE!!! >:)


Hey, can we get 4k images of all of the art onto Patreon? I have been making some of the art on wallpaper engine to add cool effects but I have to screenshot in game in order to get the image and it lowers the resolution. Thank you for making such a bussn game. It helps me relax quite a bit. and I love Shoichi. I made the dance scene into wallpaper engine and they move a little with some other cool affects making it more lively. Also good luck on college. Take your time your personal life is more important 👍


We really shoulda saw this coming. No straight guy kisses another dude out of spite.