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Hello there, everyone,

Sorry for the delay. I would have released it about 5 hours late or so, but when I was proofreading, I decided that the point I originally decided the end of the update was too much of a downer. Because of that, I went back and added a couple of extra scenes at the end of the update so it could end on a more hopeful note. Truth be told, I thought I could get this done sooner than I did, which annoys me.

Regardless, I'm pretty happy with this update. I think you guys will really like it.

On a different note, and something that might be good news (for you guys, at least. For me it's kinda sad): I decided to pause my college for the rest of the semester. My spot will be frozen and I won't take any more classes this semester. College has been taking so much of my time that I can't get back on track with work, but I also need to spend so much time doing work to try and avoid getting even more delayed that I'm also not doing well in college. Hopefully, this one-semester break should be enough to bring me back on schedule.

Keep in mind: As I've said before, Ren'py updates can cause older saves to become incompatible. While I get that this is inconvenient, there is nothing that can be done about it. Even if you guys tell me that your old saves don't work, they're not recoverable. I need to keep Ren'py updated for stability and compatibility, and that will inevitably break saves.

Regardless, here's what you guys will have in this update:

  • Day 31 for Jun
  • Some bug fixes with the clothes (Yuuichi's neck fluff glitching out of his uniform, Keisuke's chin glitching over his fingers)

Download links: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16LQEx6SjgiSoFNvPNERG8Wp9exWaVIjz?usp=sharing




Sorry to hear that you had to take a pause. Do what is best for you. Yourself is more important than keeping some people on the internet happy.


I'm glad you're taking an action to help yourself! Thanks for the great work as always. Can't wait to catch up and enjoy!


is the day counter meant to be gone from the ui? cause it was useful especially when having to skip through to the new content after my old saves are broken


I'm sort of glad you're easing your burdens, but I'd have thought it better to make us wait longer for update than to pause college :< Buuuuut you have a lot more insight into your life than I do, so I will assume you've done what is best for you (and certainly hope so) :)


I'm sorry that you have to take a break from college, but I loved this update. It's also kind of funny how Yuuichi comments on how he's glad the day didn't end on a somber note, when you said the same thing in the epilogue. I loved the end scene with our tiger, and it's nice seeing Yuuichi get somewhat back to normal! I can't wait for the next update!!!


Amazing job!!!!! So many good warm fuzzy feelings!!!! Love it!

Fen Kurios

Doody doody doody do, I have a problem and his name is Jun. I am so horribly addicted to his story and I can't wait two weeks! That's three bucks a pop since Shoichi got hit by that truck! Keep up the good work!


I am.... so glad you decided to end it on a positive note.


Wait, I thought Yuuichi was the one that got run over?


Yuuichi is the one who got hit by a car, I do not know if I could handle Sho getting hit pushing someone out of the way of a car after all of the routes, but any of the cast getting hit would be rough, and it is rough with Yuuichi getting hit