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Hey guys. Hope you've all been well.

I'm really, really sorry for this. This time it's 100% on me. Between struggling with some of the changes that happen in this update and with the end of semester at my college, I just wasn't able to get work finished for this in time. I've thought of trying to pull all-nighters to get it done in time, but I realized even then I wouldn't make it. Not by a long shot, actually.

I'm going to be delaying this update for around 7-8 days (which is the most I've ever asked for, honestly) because I need this update to be as perfect as it can be. I hope you guys will be able to forgive me for that.

I hope you all stay safe and I'll get the update to you all as soon as possible!



It's good, your health always comes first!


Take as much time as you need! The final period of a semester is always hectic, so don’t burn yourself out!


Take all the time you need to be happy with it. Given what transpired at the end of the previous Jun update, I can see why the pressure is on for this one to suitably carry on the story. Remember, this is still a development in process game and you can always change things down the line if you like another idea better. Good luck, and try not to overwork yourself!


Take your time, college should be a #1 priority over a VN, I think we can wait and have a little bit of patience for an update. We aint going anywhere anyways!


Don't worry we understand why this next update is a big deal just take some time to look after yourself and rest your health is the most important thing here


Not a problem, take all the time you need!


It’s all good, take your time. You work really hard on this and we can wait, so don’t overwork yourself. Your health comes first.

It's Santa Keisuke

Take your time WOTB, care first about yourself and then you can care about TA. To stress yourself out with all nighters and college stuff isn't healthy for yourself. We understand and can wait, for the Best Furry VN in my eyes.


I demand retribution! 100 lashes with a wet noodle! ~ In all seriousness, take your time. I am grateful for yours and N's hard work! I can never remember how to spell her name and she's gonna kill me for that. /scampers away and hides. This is an amazing story and one of the things I am grateful for is that you let us know that there will be delay. Am I happy for the delay? Of course not! /yells over his shoulder, "Bring out the wet noodles!" <3 <3 <3 Love you, Basket! Edit: Nyaruh! I'm soooo sorry! Please forgive me! /bows at the waist and with outstretched hands, offers Nyaruh the bowl of wet noodles.

North Grizz

Don't worry about it. End-of-semester sounds like a very busy time and given where you left the story last time, there's a lot to do. Look after yourself and take the time you need. Also, I haven't researched the latest studies but I'm sure all-nighters aren't recommended when writing fiction. So make sure to get plenty of sleep!


You always make a big deal of delays when yours are nothing compared to so many visual novel makers who disappear for weeks to years :P. You're doing an awesome job with Tennis Ace, keep it up


no probs mate! stay healthy and safe


Really not a big deal I can wait for you to release it. Even 'if' its longer than the window you posted. Don't feel pressured to get it to us k?


Take your time, do your best, Lots of stress in these times, take care of yourself!


Take your time, we're all here for the long run!


Cant wait to see how the story continues. Take your time

Pablo Hermes

Take your time. Personally, I'm not sure I'll ever be ready for this update anyway. :D