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Hey there, you guys!

I'm pretty excited to show this to you all. The UI has been officially finished. All the assets (portraits, day transitions, date overlay) have been ported over to it and it's now fully functional. And in case Patreon decides to freak out and refuses to load the video, click here to open it!

In this video, not only can you guys see the screens, but also the UI color selection feature, as well as the unique UI colors for when different characters take the narration. In this video, you can see that in the part where Shoichi is narrating, the UI changes to blue and switching it back to a different color is impossible. Once he is done narrating (or when a player exits the game/loads a save where Yuuichi is narrating) it will switch back to the previous color players had selected!

I hope you all like this. It was a lot of fun to work with Eddio (once again, creator of Killigan's Treasure. Click here to go to his Patreon page!) and I absolutely love the end result. I hope you guys share in my excitement for it!


UI Showcase



Looks pretty good~! :3


That UI is looking clean! Having different colors is nice too.


Love it!! Very clean and sleek