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Hey everyone, how are you all doing? Hope you guys have been staying safe lately.

I'm coming here real quick to let you all know that the next demo will be delayed for about three to four days. Nyaruh has asked me for a little extra time to complete the art for this month, which is pretty fair considering that I've been swamping her with work lately (both for this update as well as getting assets in advance for future updates).

I appreciate you guys' patience. Stay safe, everyone!



We know its gonna be worth it so its no problem. Stay safe!😁


No rush, some things just have to wait. None of us are going anywhere Stay safe y'all


Keep calm! We understand that and Nyaruh deserved it!!! Her art it's really amazing!


No worries 😁 I don’t know if it’s just me saying this or if others agree but I prefer something that’s made with love and care. I find it’s better if Nyaruh and you take your time with it and as long it’s done to the best of your abilities 😃


No worries! I'm happy to wait a few extra days for the consistent high quality work you all put out!


Take your time and stay safe!


Better to take extra time to give the artist time to work on getting quality art, than rush it and make the project suffer. Stay safe! :)


Take your time you both, because every great game need time and love to be great. And a few days waiting is okay for one of the Best Furry VN in my opinion