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Hey there, everyone!

I hope you guys have all stayed safe over the past little while. I'm here to bring you all the latest TA update! This one was... an experience to work with. This update ended up being legitimately a bit over twice the size of a regular TA update. I was super stressed trying to get it all done in time but I managed it somehow. It definitely won't become the norm anytime soon though, that's for sure (having to fall back on lack of sleep and caffeine sucks). A lot of it is due to the update having some big scene variations depending on how you've been handling the choices in Shoichi's route in the previous days.

Here's the list of changes:

  • New content added for Shoichi
  • A small tweak done to Shoichi's day 22 to better bridge the change from the tense, downer scene and Shoichi starting to flirt with Yuuichi (after he asks to change to subject because he wants to relax)
  • New art

PC (Fixed demo): https://www.mediafire.com/file/gzs4nj3kr7nx0iv/TennisAce0.38-pc_%28fixed%29.zip/file
Mac (Fixed demo): https://www.mediafire.com/file/o9xlmijq88k2q2m/TennisAce0.38-mac_%28fixed%29.zip/file
Android (Fixed demo): https://www.mediafire.com/file/lcg9zf7z8c5fivy/TennisAce0.38-android_%28fixed%29.apk/file 

For those that already download the demo or proceed to download it before I can compile and upload a fix: There's a bug in one of Saya's expressions that causes her head to be displayed off of her body. It doesn't break anything but it's a very jarring visual bug. I'll be able to compile and upload a fix in about an hour and a half (with a new demo) but for those that already downloaded the latest update and are on PC or Mac, download the file I'm linking below, open the game's folder and place the file inside the "game" folder (the one that has the file "archive.rpa" inside). For Android, I don't know what folder the game installs to so I don't know if this fix could be performed there since it compiles differently :<
Link to the hotfix: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bzpi5ol5popajrs/script.rpy/file 

Stay safe, everyone~




Yay im so eager to see what happens next. THANK YOU😁


You posted the Mac link where the Android link should be


Yeah sorry but the Android link is for the mac link Can you change that please 😅


yay new update! i was wondering if it is possible to skip unread parts since i had to switch computers and redownload the game, and i have to start from the beginning. i dont mind going through it again, but it would be good if i could skip to where i was.


You can go in the options and mark the option "Skip unread". Then when you use the skip button it will skip literally everything. Use that to skip to the part you stopped in.


I just played through a little bit of the new update and when Yuuichi, Jun and Saya are all talking about the Lunar festival Saya's head kind of detaches from her head...


Yeah. If you look above, I'd already published a hotfix to deal with that. I'm currently uploading new download links so future downloads won't come with the bug, but for those that have already downloaded the demo, there is the hotfix file available ^^'


You say you fixed the link for the android version, yet everytime I go it, it keeps taking me to the mac version


God, now Patreon is just mocking me. I had to undo the hyperlink ten times before it finally updated. It would show the correct link on the page, but if anyone click it instead of copying it, Patreon would take them to the wrong link. I'm sorry about that.


Well ive played the different (endings) of this update and its really interesting. I love to see these thing happen by my choice and i dont know what ending i should persue. You acctually made me cry and broke my heart😅. But i still loved every minute of it. Thank you for being so creative!


it's been a bit since I last played, but isn't the background on Day 27 - the living-room - the one from Shoichi's house, instead of the MC's house?


It's not. The background for the MC's living room is new (from a few months ago) when I commissioned an actual artist to make the background. The one for Shoichi's living room is still just a photo with effects added on top of it.


I'm glad you enjoyed it. This update was definitely a lot of work due to adding in all these variations haha


I'm loving this update so far, I'm so scared that I'm making all the wrong choices and I'm going to get the bad ending even when it isn't written yet. Are there plans to have a guide on how to get the good and bad endings of the relationships anytime soon or in the future? Just so that my heart doesn't drop everytime I make a decision.


I had no words to describe it. But this update made me cry when I see the fight of Yuuichi and Shoichi


Really great update! I enjoy seeing the story's focus being brought back to tennis. Yuuichi has a lot to think about, and a chance to use his recent epiphany to improve in the next update.


The end helped me with my writers block thankyou.


👏👏👏😠😢🤯🥰 well done with all the directions... Rollercoaster doing them all


I cant seem to get that final gallery pic, any help? I know its soichi adn his mother but i cant seem to unlock it lol.


I loved this update! Specially the worst path for him... Seeing Shoichi so vulnerable and so transparently venting his frustrations was so cathartic and knowing how he feels inside makes the other two alternatives feel much more rewarding. That said, I was curious since you said that this was an unnaturally long update, are the branches going to merge down a bit so to speak? Because the three outcomes seem to be leading to fairly different conclusions. I'm just bringing it up because I'd be ok with future Shoichi updates not necessarily updating all the branches concurrently.


Keep working hard, Basky! As usual, I love and appreciate your work!! Can't wait for more!! 🥰


God I’m so conflicted, this update has been great but damn...my heart is just breaking. Plus I am TERRIFIED of which path I’m going down. Seeing Shoichi and the MC fight was just...damn my heart. But of course I’m going through the other variation that’s at least somewhat better than the other. I really want the good ending, but I’m scared of all the decisions I’m making, not really knowing which ones are good or bad. Such a good update Basket, keep up this amazing work.


Re-do and careful reading their fight scene help me to work out the what choices to make.... Right from beginning for Shoichi path


Someone knows how to get the new image of the gallery?


OMG! The fight with shoichi was just perfect. You can feel the sadness and the feelings of yuuichi there and even You feel sad for all the things that Shoichi said to the MC. But really i'm glad with the fight route i can't just leave shoichi like how he's living&lt;\3


...I might have done something different. I didn't see them fight. Did you push for conversation, or just keep backing off?


I push the conversation. But the fight it's a little different if you did the choices of "ignore your father, reply to him, apologize". In that way you demostrate how firm you are with your opinion xd

Pablo Hermes

I love the branching within the same route. Totally different day 27? I didn't see that coming, you've done a fantastic job and also made both parts interesting and positive in their own way. In my opinion the best update so far. Keep up the great work.


do you know how to unlock the final art in the gallery cause i havent been able too tbh idk what choices lead to it. Mind helping me out?


Sorry if this is what other people have already figured out or thought about before this update but I've only just come up with this hypothesis for Shoichi. And I'm sorry if it doesn't quite make sense what I'm saying, I'll try to make it as coherent as I can but ask me questions if it doesn't quite make sense. I'm not saying that this is the only reason, I'm just saying that this is possibly the main reason. What if the reason the MC is hesitant to 'I love you' to Shoichi is because he's not sure whether Shoichi would fight for the love that he feels for the MC. I mean we all know Shoichi loves the MC but he also loves volleyball. But his dad is telling him to give it up, and it would seem that Shoichi is going to do it to keep his dad happy. But I have a feeling that the MC is thinking (or at least I am) what if Shoichi's dad finds out about them and tells him to break it off. Would he do it even though he loves MC like he's doing with volleyball? Or would he fight back against his dad to ensure that they can stay together no matter what the consequences are? And I feel like when Shoichi is finally able to continue to play volleyball even when it's against his father's wish, that's when I feel that the MC would say those three magic words back. 'I love you'. Or 'I love you, too' depending on who says it first. Thanks for reading my TED Talk, apologies for it being so long, that was my thought process through all of that. But what do you guys think? Do you think there's a bigger reason or a multitude of small reasons as to why he's holding back? It'll be cool to see what you think.


It’s an interesting way to look at it, I never really thought about it before. Good theory overall.


the art was posted on twitter and in the comments someone mentions that soichis moms house is just the MC's house layout at well.


There is so many things going on with Shoichi and MC... Scared of Shoichi father interfere and how much of a influence Shoichi mother will be, both of their sport dreams making them going different ways, the newest of it all to MC. Is it just MC shyness of say those words... As noted in a sence with Saya... Be interesting which way WOTB will go... Will the first time MC says 'I love u' be without thinking about it... And then have a epiphany or something else


I feel that no matter what is written WOTB would be able to make it one of the best/ romantic moments to happen. And with the different sports problem with MC and Shoichi. Correct me if I'm wrong but the college offer that the MC was given, was it a sports college where there are multiple sports that are sort after or was mainly just tennis. Because if it's a general sports college maybe we'll have a chance to convince him to apply also. But we won't know until the time is right. (And as a side note I think it would be kinda sweet if the MC were to teach Shoichi how to cook. Since everyone seems to complain and joke about it but don't help him get better, I feel it's a bit unfair on Shoichi since it's obvious he likes doing it and might even cook to surprise MC for romantic gesture at some point but no one is helping him improve upon it to the fact that the food is edible. So I feel kinda sorry for him in that regard, as well as everything else that's happening to him). I really need to learn to control how much I write on these things, feels like I'm trying to go from A to B by going through the whole alphabet first. But these are my thoughts on paper. Sort of. Anyway what do you guys think? If what I wrote made any sense, let me know your thoughts too. I've enjoyed reading what you guys think aswell.


I wonder if Shoichi's father has a mental illness. Reading the fight between Shoichi and Yuuichi about him, sometimes I think that's the reason of all his emotional changes.


I made a mistake, this comment was supposed to be a reply to my previous post to what Philip and Lazarus talked about. That's what I get for rushing. Sorry if that's why the post kinda feels like it's missing context. But now I know.


That is an interesting theory. I didn't really take that into consideration with Shoichi's dad, but I feel like it's more to do with burnout and feeling like he's failed his family, when the deal didn't go well. Maybe it's more of what Shoichi is going through but on another level, maybe the reason the deal went wrong was because of something he did and has been ridiculed or even threatened to be fired because of it. And that caused a major swing in his personality and mood. But nonetheless I like that maybe it is mental illness that's caused a massive change in him.


I made a reply to your comment underneath in a new comment cause I'm an idiot, sorry about that.


Shoichi dad's bad influence definitely is seen in the bad path ... Mental illness don't think so... Shoichi just shutting down like his was taught from his father. Shoichi still need to face his mom with the guilt he's feeling toward their divorce as Shoichi couldn't bring himself to do it in the first meeting with his mother (if WOTB plan for that to come up again or there still another path I need to go for him to say that on the first meeting) Is the jealous Shoichi feel toward MC over how easy MC can score high with little study going to become more of a focus too. Not sure about the college that has offered MC the scholership ... And the other sport programs ... I haven't really though about it... If WOTB plans them to be 'living happily ever after' I'm sure something like that will happen. Hehe cooking lesson that be cute


Hello! For the new image you have to select this options: -Ignore your father. -Talk to sho's father (fight with him xd). -Be firm. and push him. So in that way you unlock a 28th day


You have to select: •Ignore your father. •Fight with sho's father. •Be firm when you talk to sho. • And keep pushing him. In that way you unlock a 28th day!!


This was one of my favorite updates. Thanks for working so hard on it. It's hard to say which variant I liked better. The heartwarming variant was really cute, and wholesome. So much so, that the other heartbreaking variant feels like it should belong to a completely different story. I could really feel the pain coming through in the heartbreaking variant for both of them. Though, I prefer how Yuuichi's emotional turmoil makes for the best lead-in to his game with Saya, and his failed heart-to-heart with Haruki.