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Good morning, everyone!

So, I am a little bit pleased with myself because I didn't end up needing the full 48 hours. Took me about 32 hours to finish the update and spent the past few hours having someone playtest  it for me  after my own personal round of playtesting to try and get it as clean as possible.

In this update, we start getting a little more complex on the branching paths. There are quite a few different variations that players can get depending on their choices here and not all of them will be good. I hope you all will enjoy it!


  • Shoichi's day 25 and 26 added
  • New CGs added
  • A new musical theme was added for Jun

PC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/s7zjn8d65qk5rzl/TennisAce0.35-pc.zip/file 

Mac: https://www.mediafire.com/file/me93h1vn3uifost/TennisAce0.35-mac.zip/file 

Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/dwqtsesztbvowwe/TennisAce0.35-android.apk/file 




OMG I can't waaaiiit!!! Can't wait to see more of BESTEST BOY <3


I want a branch where Shoichi stands up against his father and follow his dreams rather than being a door mat. I mean, I understand family is important but a bird need to leave the nest and fly free eventuality.


I want a emotive reunion between shoichi and his mother


Hey! Love the game so far! I downloaded the latest android update but got the following error:


SDL Error: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol”atof” referenced by “libpng16.so”... // I tried redownloading and reinstalling the game but was still returned the same error. Hope this helps!


How do I get my save files form the 0.34 version to this version?


I'm sorry, I don't really know exactly what has happened. Back when I released the previous Keisuke update (0.33) I had updated my version of Ren'Py and I think that update broke all saves that were made before then. A lot of people have had to load a New Game and just hit the "Skip to Next Choice" button until they reached the point where they've stopped.


Is this an error that is happening just trying to run the game? Cause I can run it just fine on my phone and I have no idea what that error is o.o


Don't worry, it didn't happend to me. I simply copied the files from the 0.35 to the 0.34 and I didn't lose any progress. I was scared because, when I did the same to other games I had to start a New Game. It seems to be okey, also, your work is amazing and don't worry if you have to take a break now and then. I think everybody will understand if you need some time to relax.


Great update Basket! But uuuuurgh!!! This branching system you've implemented is killing me! I'm trying to make all the best decisions I can but I'm so scared I'm gonna make the wrong one and get a bad ending! That's a good part on you though, it really shows how talented you are and how well thought out this VN is with it's storytelling and routes. Can't wait for the next one!!!


Yeah, upon opening the app that error just pops up immediately... Maybe it’s a problem my end, i’ll see if I can fix it tonight and let you know if I make any progress!


I didn't have the chance to play the scenarios that were added to the prologue before, but today I didn't and god damn they were so good especially the ones that were personal time with the protagonist, warmed my heart.


Tbh I like the way the branching is now. Never been a fan of confusing branching paths for one character and trying to figure out the best choices I just wanna enjoy the story but it's not my choice here....


Hey WOTB, i’ve tried everything I can think of from my end but doesn’t seem to have helped, from what I can tell it seems there might be a missing file?


https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/help/sdl-error-dlopen-failed-t3996649 It might be an android version issue?


It... could be? Although if it is I'm not sure what to do. The version I uploaded is already the one that Ren'Py compiles for all android versions. What version of Android *are* you running?


Well, right *now* it is pretty obvious when you've made the best decisions. Might not be the case in the future. You'll have to wait and see :3


TA so far had very few branches due to still setting up the start of the relationships. It was always planned that more choices would start popping along once you get into them. I'm sorry if that turns you off ^^'


Hey basket, unfortunately i’m getting the same SDL error on the new update that I had on this update :< My phone is running Android 4.4.4 which seems to be having no trouble with other VN’s so i’m not really sure what’s causing it...


https://www.mediafire.com/file/8oubi4ggdqjuxjx/TennisAce0.36-android%28compatibility%29.apk/file I tried compiling a build that, according to Android, has better compatibility with older versions of Ren'Py. Not sure if this is going to work though. I'm frankly stumped.


I tried this version but I got the error again... I’m redownloading and reinstalling to try again but I think it’s a problem with the compiling. Sorry this is being so difficult... I found this on stack exchange which explains why the error is happening and suggests this fix: Google have moved some of the C standard library functions like atof() from being inline functions in header files to normal functions. The latest NDKs will default to building a .so that is only compatible with the latest Android devices that have the atof() function in the device's standard C library (libc.so). This means if you run a library on an older device that has an older version of the C library, you will get an error loading the dll as the expected atof() function will not exist. Have you tried setting this in your Application.mk: APP_PLATFORM := android-9 This will cause the ndk compiler to build code compatible with older Android versions. You can also try downgrading your NDK installation to version 10b (this version predates the change where atof was moved from inline to part of libc so avoids the problem entirely).


Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28711842/cocos2dx-dlopen-failed-cannot-locate-symbol-atof-referenced-by-libcocos2dcp


https://www.mediafire.com/file/squbnfsxckz00vs/TennisAce0.36-android%28compatibility2%29.apk/file I tried following the link you mentioned (it took me a while to even find where that Application.mk file would be since it's not saved in the project and is instead a file hidden away in the root Ren'Py folder). Tell me if it works


I always save before each choice , so that i make sure that i have the one for the good ending ^~^