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Hey everyone.

I'm sorry for posting this so close to the end of the month, but... to be honest, I kinda forgot February was a shorter month. I thought for sure "Okay, I'm gonna have this done by the end of the month" thinking that we had 30 days this month ^^'

So, yeah, I just wanted to let you all know that the demo will be delayed by 2 days so I can have 30 days to work on it as I usually do.



No worries! Take the time you need for a quality update.

It's Santa Keisuke

Good work takes time. I am already excited about the Keisuke update.


I've been pump for the update for weeks already whats a few days more. Take the time you need to make it great. like I know you will!


Well really this isn't so much a delay as it is a byproduct of Julius and Augustus Caesar being petulant man-babies. Lol.

North Grizz

We've been having that in work the past few days. WTF happened to February? No worries, your updates are all worth waiting for.


Don't stress yerself lad, take your time!