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Heeeello everyone!

I actually surprised myself a little bit when I managed to get this update done in time. My apartment isn't fully organized yet (I don't even have a chair to sit on to use my computer... or eat). Still, I did my best to not delay two months in a row (and I'd feel especially awful if I delayed twice for the same reason).

With all that said, it might have a few more typos than usual (I didn't have as much time to proofread as I'd like) but  what matters is that I got it done!


  • Keisuke's days 14 and 15 added (it's the same deal as with Shoichi. The days themselves are relatively small but add together to an update of the same size as usual)

PC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/nqarrolk8rez8k5/TennisAce0.21-pc.zip/file 

Mac: https://www.mediafire.com/file/89dk8zmtt7vzfdq/TennisAce0.21-mac.zip/file 

Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/v44t914p6w75cee/TennisAce-0.21-release.apk/file 




Just a heads up, the Android version crashes when it starts to load


I am experiencing the same issue, it seems the Android version isn't working properly


Sorry. I fixed it. Turns out that my PC (which had gone without updating for around a month) had its library files outdated and that caused the android port to crash. I reuploaded it (and this time made sure it worked on my phone too, not just Ren'Py's built-in emulator).


Excellent! Thanks so much! So excited to see what lies next in Keisuke's route!


Congrats on juggling the move and the update! Have to say, the bonding on the second day was a really nice way on fleshing out a couple of the characters, especially Alex. Keep up the awesome work and good luck settling into your new place! (Hopefully your own 'fortune' comes with a chair...!)


EEEEEE! Keisuke! <3 <3 I know how you feel about moving. When I first moved out on my own, I had a bed, a dresser and a recliner that my sister gave me. Now I have more furniture than I need and it's all crammed into my tiny house, mostly in the spare junk room... I mean, bedroom. Oh, but the freedom to run around nekkid when you feel like it! :3 EDIT: Wow! I want to apologize, WOTB, I just realized I missed Soichi's update. :( I hate the end of the year 'cause all the holidays and work trying to cram in so much stuff before the end of the year... I know what I will be doing next week while on vacation!


I've got to say, I really do love Alex. He's awesome.


That last background on day 14 is really gorgeous.


thank you for the update, good luck and keep it up!!!! :)


Thanks for the update, it was quite wholesome... is it wrong that I like Alex more than Keisuke? I mean not in persona as we clearly don't see as much of him as we do w/ Keisuke but like husband material :D


Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. My fortune seems to have been a great curse because I got a message from the store two days ago telling me they made a mistake in shipping and the chair isn't going to arrive for another 7 days xD


I'm glad you liked it, Tai! I don't even have enough room to have much furniture. I don't even think I'll be able to cram a dining table with a chair in my apartment xD Still, I'm really enjoying the peace and quiet here! And on that note, I hope you'll enjoy the Shoichi update too!


You mean the evening sky? If so, I really like that one too. I'm just a sucker for sky views xD


You're welcome. Although I'm not sure what "husband material" really means, I'm just gonna be glad that you enjoyed the characterization xD


Yesssssssssssssssssss is all I have to say for this game I love you man thank you for making this game xD


Saammmee, and yeah that is the one I am talking about xD day 14 for keisuke that very last image :P really pretty.


Just downloaded and became a Knowledgeable Patreon! My bestie showed me this and I fell in love. Keep up the great work and can't wait to see more updates and NSFW stuff!


I actually just finished up to all that's done for Shoichi. I need more of my best boi.


you need some nsfw shoichi x MC and show us all the merchandise of both of them!