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Alright, after the delay I told you guys about, I finally have version 0.17 at the ready.

First of all, I'd like to apologize for one thing. I had promised to make a double update because I wanted to increase the pace at which the game would progress. While the idea by itself wasn't bad, it quickly became obvious that I just couldn't handle that much work in a single month. Because of that, I'll get back to my single update pace because that's what works best for me. I'm sorry about that x.x

Now, let's get to the changelog, shall we?

  • Shoichi's day 13 added
  • New artwork added

PC: http://www.mediafire.com/file/aei1scvrjz3cyr3/TennisAce0.17-pc.zip/file
Mac: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3smg8r999esrdc8/TennisAce0.17-mac.zip/file
Android: http://www.mediafire.com/file/gs1izvzti64d6vq/TennisAce-0.17-release.apk/file

I hope you all will enjoy it! And for the ones who find any bugs or typos, make sure to report them here:

I tend to accumulate the typos on the list for a while before fixing it all at once so don't fret if you don't see them getting fixed immediately :3




Omg omg omg omg I have been waiting fir this I love this game so much the humor, the character development, and the story of the game ughhhh I fallen in love with this game so much like I spend most of my hours either playing this or extracurricular activities


I've been so pumped for this update for a while now, love what you are doing here!

North Grizz

More Shoichi is always good. Work at the pace that suits you, don't hurt yourself by trying to do much. You'll be happier with your work that way as well. We can wait.


The new art, good lord I love it ;0;


Which character will be the focus on the next update? Seeing that it last update was Jun's and this one is Shoichi, is it going to be Keisuke?


yep Sho is the cutest. Loved the update, cant wait for kei


So it shown that Hitoka is the jealous type, and since it's implied that she has feelings for the MC in the beginning of the story and Shoichi also has feelings for him, I wonder what's her reaction will be when the MC returns her brothers affections and not hers.


Wonderful Update! Wished the bed scene at the end was a bit longer :D Can't wait for Day 14 with Shoichi! And i'm really excited for Kei :3


i want more of shoichi :3