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Howdy, everyone!

First off, I want to apologize for something. I really, REALLY wanted to make this a double update releasing content for Jun and Shoichi but, while I am close to finishing up Shoichi's part, there was no way I could get it done without having to push this update back. Because of that, I decided to release Shoichi's at a later date (in a week or so). For now, there's only Jun's portion of the update. The first update after character selection is done :3

  • Jun's Day 13 added
  • New sprites added

I hope you all will be able to enjoy this update and sorry again for not getting everything I wanted to do done ^^'

PC: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7x3lvdslni9p0yr/TennisAce0.16A-pc.zip

Mac: http://www.mediafire.com/file/vd13eut2p0r31tn/TennisAce0.16A-mac.zip

Android: http://www.mediafire.com/file/y669nud9df94wii/TennisAce-0.16A-release.apk

