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Alright, as we're getting close to the end of the month, I'm doing my best to get as much work done as possible. But I've already come to realize that I underestimated the workload for this month. The amount of work I'm putting into the game is much larger than what I usually do for the other months (having to re-read the entire thing to add expressions, rewriting some parts in the first few days to bring their quality up to par with later days, improving the game's soundtrack) all take considerable amount of work. I've also had to deal with two game-breaking bugs while coding in the new sprites and transitions that took me over a week to fix.

Now, I'm not trying to make up excuses. At the end of the day, I haven't been able to get even close to finishing everything that needs to be done (I'm a little over 1/3 done adding the expressions). It also doesn't help that February is shorter than the other months of the year.

So I wanted to ask you guys for your opinion: Should I release a demo with expressions added as far as I can get by the end of the month or should I delay it until I can get the expressions finished on all days (therefore completely finishing the tweaks). I'll leave you guys to leave your opinions here on the comments and I'll decide on what to do based on the feedback.



I'd be happy with any update you give but I don't want you to feel unsatisfied uploading an unfinished demo


oh, man. Sure! Leave the hard choices up to us!~ I'm torn between the two. While I'm anxious to see the new expressions, I'm willing to wait until you are happy with what you will release. To add to what Dead Patreon just said, "I don't want to you feel unsatisfied uploading an unfinished demo". if you aren't happy with the demo you will release then don't release it until you are. :) If it takes you another month, it takes you another month. I just don't know what I'm going to do while waiting. xD I'd be willing to wait. I think I'd rather have all the expressions (and tweaks) finished that way I can play all the routes over again while waiting for the next update. ;p


Personally I'd be fine either way, but I think overall it'd be best to wait until everything is done and then release the demo. It's better to have a finished product to display then a partial one that leaves more to do in the next month as well as the next route progression stuff. In the mean time if you wanted to you could do sneak peeks or teasers to keep people up to date and give them something to look forward to. However you choose to go is fine with me though.


I'm a patient person imo I would a prefer a completed version of the update and if that means more time then so be it. This project is worth the wait.


I'd be willing to wait for the edits to be completed, honestly. It'd probably be for the best anyway, since it saves having to take time to upload and release a partial build


Just take your time; there's no rush. I'm sure people would appreciate a fully updated prologue.

Off-White Lynx

I'm fine with both options, do whichever you're most comfortable with. :)


I'm fine with waiting. If a better quality product is the end result I can be patient.


I say just wait as well, can't wait to run through it all again once it's done though lol


My opinion would be that it's best to wait, as I doubt anyone's going to want to replay the content to see only a third of the expressions implemented, then replay it again once they're all in.


I agree with waiting until it is done. People will read everything again, so by finishing it first they can read it all at once. Plus you might end up thinking of stuff to tweak on what you have already done too.


Thank you for all your hard work I really look forward to it