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Alright, guys. Today is the day that Jun's update goes public. To those of you who have been interested in seeing what spending a whole day with him is like, this is it!

Windows/Linux: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9x1mxwluiayo7ma/TennisAce-0.8-pc.zip
Mac: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0n58u2151812iac/TennisAce-0.8-mac.zip 




I'm getting an error in Day10_Jun.rpy, line 1610. Unknown text tag u'quick'. Not sure what you were trying to go for there as it seems like you wanted to use something that doesn't exist.


I... wow... yeah. I screwed up on that one. The tag was supposed to be 'fast', not 'quick'. I'm really sorry e-e I'm honestly confused how not only did I not catch it when I tested it before release and how no one else caught it... I've already uploaded fixed links.


I guess train rides really aren't that popular these days.


Loved the Jun update, can't wait until the game gets into the getting the boyfriend stage, I'd bet that with Jun it would be a case of serious cuteness overload. LOL :)