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It had, so far, been a fairly slow day for the receptionist. Earlier that morning, she'd fielded a few phone calls about high school seniors sleeping in late, a typical interaction with an especially nervous housewife, and one very interesting request from the owner of a five star restaurant making a professional discipline appointment for her dinner-hour hostess. But other than that, the waiting room had been slow before three women come in, pouting bitterly, and approach the window together. Each of them wears a matching red jersey with a stenciled volleyball above the left breast.

Teammates, thinks the receptionist, raising her eyebrows. So...where's coach?


This is a follow-up commission to the first Aunty Gabrielle game I posted here -- and there's another coming soon! If you have your own idea for a spanking text adventure, email me at waferborn@gmail.com. STAY TUNED!




Sadly, I can't seem to continue after choosing who to start with: "the number 0 isn't the same type of data as an array"


Fixed! Sorry about that! Click the link again to download the NEW version (V2).


Enjoying all the new content, but I am also looking forward to the next return to Puttsdale….any idea when that might happen?


I have 2 more commissions to finish, and then I'm completely free and clear. I DEFINITELY want to get back in to writing Puttsdale. I've also been working on some separate ideas, too. Inspiration for writing goes in cycles for me. Lately, I've been struggling, but I can tell things are about to pick up again big time :) I'm looking forward to writing more of my own ideas for a while. I'd say you can expect new Puttsdale content in early January