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"Looking good today, Rubes," Yang says. "Might even make me break a sweat today!"

Ruby laughs sharply, resuming her fighting stance. But Yang doesn't get back in position quite yet, so Ruby relaxes her grip on the staff. 

"Hey," Yang says conversationally, "how about we make things more interesting?"

"Getting bored, are you?"

"Oh, never," Yang retorts. "Watching you swing around that big butt of yours is endlessly entertaining, Rubes, you know that."

Ruby's face reddens. "Stop watching my butt," she pouts, stamping her staff against the ground with a thwack. "You said you'd start taking sparring seriously//."

"I am taking it seriously!" Yang protests. "In fact, how about we make it even more serious? A wager of sorts: whoever wins gets to spank the loser. Everyday. For a whole week."


Thanks so much to the commissioner of this game! RWBY really makes the perfect source material for spanking fanfiction...And I really loved this scenario! Spanking bets rule -- and I especially liked how this one turned out :)

If you've got a scenario you'd like to see in a spanking text adventure, email me at waferborn@gmail.com. Sharing your idea is always free!

More updates to come: STAY TUNED!




Another great story, I'm looking forward to seeing my commission published

Master Blaster Synphone Tasker

This one looks awesome! I love how the yellow contrasts with the red of the first story! Thanks again for doing my comms!