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Your daughter looks nothing like how she looked leaving your house this morning. The resemblance is passing at best. When she walked out the door, she was wearing a pleated skirt, a white blouse, and long, dark stockings.

Now, she's barely wearing anything.

Or, at least, that's how it seems to you. The dark stockings are gone, and her pale legs are on full display. Her skirt is hiked up so high that you can see most of her thighs and -- Oh my god -- a glimpse of her panty-clad butt cheeks! From the top down, her blouse is unbuttoned practically to her breasts (which seem larger than they did this morning -- did she pad her bra?!) and from the bottom up, it's knotted at her midriff to show off her flat tummy.

DISCIPLINE DECISION: Your daughter deliberately altered her uniform after leaving the house to break dress code! What should be done?!

DOWNLOAD LINK HERE (NEW LINK: Fixed issue with the last stern/playful decision)

Here's the continuation of one of my favorite commissions: Discipline Decisions, where you play the mother of a rebellious 18-year-old and get to decide your discipline style. Will you be stern, playful, or a mix of both?

If you'd like to commission your own spanking text adventure idea, email me at waferborn@gmail.com -- sharing your idea is always free!




I just read through both stories. This is awesome. I think that mom needs to continue with the humiliations in addition to lots and lots of spanking. I can’t wait for many more parts to this story. Just spanking alone doesn’t work. I have experienced this myself. A naughty girl needs a constant red face as long as a constant red bottom to learn to behave. Why redden two cheeks when you can redder four??