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A thought suddenly occurs to you. You turn to Francesca, who is watching, awestruck, as your rival dejectedly walks away.

"Hey, Fran," you say.

Your friend closes her mouth and turns to you like a drill sergeant, as though she were half expecting herself to be next. "Yes, Emily?"

"At ease, Francesca," you say, biting back a grin as Francesca's cheeks flush with color. "I was just going to ask you what class you have next."

"I'm assistant librarian," Francesca says, "but I finished all of the reshelving this morning, so Ms. Olsen will probably just let me have a free period. Why?"

You cock your eyebrow at your rival, now out of earshot, who casts an indignant glare in your direction. "Think you could meet me in Room 102 in about 5 minutes?"


This is a *bonus* scene from the BITTER RIVALS series, which I will later incorporate into the full game. If you enjoy this scene, check out the original BITTER RIVALS game for more!

I feel like I'm back in the swing of things now, and I have so many awesome projects going -- stay tuned for more games coming soon!!



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