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Good day agents!

This week, we activated the 'Cannibalize Protocol' due to the unfortunate event that occurred last week with what shall be known forthwith as 'that hair incident' in the Classified project, and just as planned we turbo charged the production of Operation: Firestorm and the Black Book: Lucha Libre!

I was thrilled. I was excited. I was happy!

So you can imagine my face when suddenly 'that hair incident' struck again in one of the scenes from Operation: Firestorm. I guess I should have seen it coming. With so many characters involved, one or more of them would catch the dreaded bug eh?

But please, don't panic. I am actually here to tell you that the Daz-community (not the actual company but the people who work with the software) came to the rescue. As by the time the second incident struck, a clever workaround was found. Indeed it was 'a hair issue' and it affected several assets that were incompatible with the so-called-updates that Daz Studio had recently launched. However, by flipping a few levers here and there, the problem could be bypassed entirely!

You know what that means right? It means that even though we'll stay the course with our current 'Cannibalize Protocol' by the time we swing around and get back to the production of Classified: Prisoner of War, we won't have to do something silly as change her hair entirely. We can fix the issue and move on. We have the technology.

Personally I'm just glad we (the Hex community) were able to navigate around the problem efficiently. Shifting lanes allowed us to keep things running smoothly without losing any production time. In a few weeks after the launch of Black Book we'll figure out how to 'give back' to the Classified series and bring it back to speed as well.

Either way, I'm just proud of having you all as part of this journey.

Onwards and upwards,

Over and out. <3



