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Halloween is upon us and here I am once again with the Weekly Update!

A big family event has generated some turbulence through the week, but I'm pleased to report that all three project lines have progressed as planned regardless.

However there was one thing that I had to let go in order to hit our primary targets successfully. Can you guess what was sacrificed? The clue is in the opening line.

That's right. I was hoping to whip up a cool Halloween Special, but I simply wasn't able to fit it in.

Fear not though, I'll find a way to reuse the idea I had - most likely in an upcoming Patreon Special.

Can't win every fight right? But at least we won the most important ones.

I am personally rather excited about the Black Book project as it enters final approach, so stay tuned for that. For now, I leave you with a couple of Sneak Peeks.

Till next one! Over and out. <3



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