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Good day agents. Are you ready for your Weekly Update? I've got nothing but good news as we make progress on all fronts!

The brand new Classified: Iron Maiden project is officially in the production line so check out the Exclusive Sneak Peek right here!

Meanwhile Baram's epic Operation: Rising Star's production enters its most complex phase as the action intensifies beyond anything I've tried before. (Yikes!)

But do you know who snuck up behind us while nobody was watching? The Black Book Project titled - Titan of Industry is only a week away from wrapping up, with Erich and Violet edging ever closer to the finish.

The work on this particular story has gotten so hot that I've actually produced an additional image past planned count on my sake because I simply wanted more.  Yes, I am a horny bastard. But fear not, the timeline wasn't affected in the slightest, so it's a win-win.

So much goes on at the same time now. It's challenging but very satisfying.

I hope you fine ladies and gentlemen are also enjoying the current variety in the works, and as usual, let me know what you think.

Over and out. <3



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