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Another one bites the dust, agents.

Did you know? - With the current workflow I effectively assigned more time for the creation of each individual image. Meaning I spend more time conceptualizing the shot, making sure it's the best it can be before pushing the final render button and adding post-production.

Interestingly though, because the production cycle is longer as I go back and review images that are marked as complete, I have found myself re-doing a couple here and there with the insight gained in the passing days.

Sometimes that means a particular image gets a 2.0 treatment, effectively making it even better-er after a second pass. AND SOMETIMES I've ended up with two versions of the piece - TWO versions that are divergent enough to stand on their own, thus spawning an EXTRA image that wasn't even planned.

I found that phenomenon interesting as I review our current methodology and I personally can't complain. After all, we haven't gone off-track nor incurred any delays while simultaneously gaining a couple of bonus shots, so … I'll take that as a win.

Either way, the work continues and though this week I've posted a little sneak peek for our daring T4 agents... and NEXT week I'll share with you a double whammy of Luna-pie plus we'll kick off the planning phase for the story that will replace Private Lesson II in the Classified Series slot after release.

So stay tuned and start warming up your poll-fingers because the future again will be in your hands!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Over and out. <3



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