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The elevator came alive with a grating creak and the flickering of the light overhead. Ancient machinery set in motion. An unforgivingly slow descent punctuated by tremors in regular intervals.

Luna took a step forward. Cautious. “Carlotta?”

The brunette answered with action. Turning quickly with a revolver at the ready, she squeezed the trigger and a single bullet spun in the drum past the point of no return.

But Luna trained for this.

Reflex kicked in: Moving close to the threat, she ducked under Carlotta’s weapon, pivoting into position to exploit biomechanics. Push, pull then twist - forcing the brunette’s body to bend forward, gun arm outstretched, kill shot redirected.

The hammer struck and although the bullet missed the mark, the bang rang loud in Luna’s ears long after the gunshot.

(To be continued.)



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