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“Harder, Ichika.” Ordered Yui and Ichika pulled harder. “Harder!” she insisted and Sadie groaned louder.

Ichika was still on top of Sadie. Her full weight pressing down on the transfer student’s lower body down as she mercilessly cranked the neck upwards in the opposite direction. Much to the delight of the other girls.

Seeing the American girl pinned in savage back breaker hold, the flock of Yui drones swarmed around the fighting pair. They fluttered with excitement, and filled the classroom with whispers, squeals and giggles. “Kill her! Kill her!” they began chanting, stoking the flames of Ichika’s bloodlust. “Kill the monster!”

Sadie choked on her own saliva. First gurgle then a grunt. Shallow breaths, lungs aflame and a strange wetness between her legs. She desperately wanted to give in, but the truth was she wanted to die even more.

Yui sat before them. Like a queen on her throne, bathed in the afternoon glow, crowned by a halo of golden light. Arms and legs crossed. Right foot hovering over Sadie’s face. “Ready to talk little bitch?” she asked again. Lips drawn into a smile. Eyes glaring down at the gaijin with hate.

Sadie recognized that face. She’d seen it hundred times.

Every time they moved to a new city or a new country. No matter where she went. No matter how much she tried to blend in or attempted to unnoticed. They would always see her as the outsider. The foreign object that needed to be removed to preserve the status quo. The monster that needed to be punished.

She could have blamed her broken family. She could have blamed the government even. Was it fate? Was it the whim of a cruel god? She could have blamed any number of things.

But Sadie only blamed herself.

Deep in the darkest corner of her heart. Sadie took refuge in a fortress of guilt (again). After all it was her fault that she couldn’t make it work. To fit in? Fat chance. Why had she wasted so much time trying to play a role she wasn’t born to play? And as her body grew numb to the pain. The pain she had endured through years of abuse and shaming... a glimmer of clarity emerged.

For the first time, she finally understood that indeed it was her fault after all. A simple truth denied: She had spent so long trying to wear masks that she had forgotten her true face. It was time to accept who she was and become the only thing she could ever be.

She would become the monster they always feared.

(To be continued.)



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