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Welcome to the first Weekly Update of the year agents! We had a bit of a rough start that ended up offsetting our posting Schedule by one day, but things are pretty much in control IRL, so expect us to return to the standard Tue-Thr-Sat pattern next week!

Hope you are enjoying the setup for this month’s epic battle! Jungle Sexual Warfare? Yes that’s definitely a thing, and it’s an idea I’ve been looking to explore for a looooong time now. So far we have just begun introducing our players and the setting, but believe me … this one is packing has spicelevels that will melt Kevlar plating. IfYouKnowWhatIMean. WinkNudgeWink.

Nothing further to report agents! Just a reminder that the second post of this week should be up right about now and the third one should hit the feed by Sunday!

Over and out!



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