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We knew full well that if we wanted to keep Nyx under control, there would be no such thing as excessive force.

With Nyx on the ground I knew I had a sliver of an opportunity, so I took it. Catching the giant bodyguard with a rear chokehold, I flip her around, massive breasts swaying side to side as we struggle .

Lucky for me, Baram and Luna quickly step in, each taking hold of one of Nyx’s legs, spreading them wide, giving her no chance to regain ground control.

I watch Baram grin as she pulls Nyx’s right leg to one side, further exposing her vulnerable crotch. Then as a mixture of sadistic excitement and determined focus flashes across her face, she begins stomping on that pussy with the heel of her foot. Again and again. Probably enjoying the fact that she was punishing someone twice her size.

Nyx wails. Her usual emotionless expression broken in the savage chaos of our combined strike. I feel her desperation. I smell the fear in her. Her body writhes violently in an attempt to shake us off. Knowing that she could destroy any of us individually, but together …

Together we are a real threat to her, and every passing second, is a second too late.

(To be continued…)

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