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(Female) There I was, rolling around the ground surrounded by bottles in a tangle of legs, arms and breasts as I attempted to fight off Ruby … when I heard Baram hit the deck hard not far to my left. My only strategy at the time was to keep Ruby distracted long enough for Baram to handle Nyx.

(Female pauses.)

(F) Pretty pathetic, I know. A voice in the back of my mind kept reminding me about the code phrase Baram suggested we used in case we needed help. But I also didn’t want to let her down. So I sucked it up and did my best to buy some time, making sure the red head worked hard for her ‘victory’.

(Female pauses again. A sigh. Then the faint sound of sniffling.)

(Male) Please continue agent.

(F) I guess I didn’t see it coming … I turned to look at Baram. She was on all fours, hand pressed against her cheek and though she wasn’t out of the fight, I saw a hint of tears building up in her eyes. That’s when I knew her pride had been slapped out of her in a single blow. FUCK.

(Female loses her calm. A string of expletives follow.)

(M) Focus! We need to know.

(F) It came with a sinking feeling. Baram was looking right at me and although she didn’t say it … I knew she was hurting. She was never one to admit defeat nor ask for help. So it must have absolutely torn her soul to use the code phrase, ‘The bigger they are …’

(Female breaks into a scream.)

(To be continued…)

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