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(Female) From my first skirmish with Nyx, I had no doubts she was a bigger threat than Ruby. Although the mean redhead was vicious and unpredictable, Nyx was … something else entirely. Mainly because she was impossible to read. Every movement she made was precise. Efficient. If killer androids existed, I’d say she was one.

(Male) What do you mean?

(Female sighs. Chains rattle a bit as she leans forward. The clang of metal against the table.)

(F) I had seen Baram deliver wood splintering kicks before. They can be devastatingly scary and lightning quick. But I saw Nyx deflect it without even blinking. You understand right? She didn’t block it. She deflected it. Angling her forearm just right, all of Baram’s force was redirected effortlessly out of trajectory. Her shin shot right over Nyx’s head and left Baram open for a counter attack.

(Female calms down and takes a breath.)

(M) You seem awe-struck agent.

(F) I just … I had never seen anybody drop Baram so quickly …

(To be continued…)

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