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In the dimly lit office, two men sit  hunched over their terminals amidst stacks of printouts and surveillance photographs. One of them abruptly stands up from his swivel chair and walks over to the digital pin board. With a swipe of the hand the displayed flowchart flies out of view and is quickly replaced by a lineup of photos.

“You think she turned, sir?” the younger man says, glancing over his shoulder to watch Williams re-arrange the photos on display.

“It doesn’t add up.” Mutters Williams running his fingers through his hair in frustration. “Play the file again.” He orders.

Complying with his senior officer, Klein taps a couple of keys on his terminal and adjusts the audio output.


(Static) (Papers rustling) (Female voice breaks the silence)

(F) It was my first mission. I guess I was a bit nervous. But also … pretty excited. It was my chance to make a difference. That’s what I told myself anyway. Baram she …

She looked so confident all the time. I have no idea how she made it look so easy. One second she was holding my hand in the chopper, giving me the warmest of smiles and telling me that everything was going to be alright.

The next, she was strutting around like a fancy model, beautiful and magnificent toward that jackass Magnus, like we were suddenly in a reality TV show with cameras all around us.

So I followed her lead. Smiled. Wiggled my butt. Played the part of a naughty girl. Misdirection is what she called it. Make them look one way then strike from another.

Magnus that idiot … I saw his stupid grin and immediately knew he wasn’t going to be a problem. The real problem was right behind him tagging along like a pair of bitches in heat.

He introduced them as his bodyguards. But the way he emphasized ‘body’ with a smirk made it clear they were more than that. His playthings no doubt. Specially the red haired one … Ruby as he called her, literally threw daggers with her eyes as we approached.

The other they called Nyx. She was built like a soldier and although she pretended not care, I could tell she followed our every move with her silent but vigilant gaze.

Honestly, I felt out of my depth right then and there. I felt …


(M) Please continue.

(F) I felt Baram was walking into the wolf den and I was going to drag her down.

 (To be continued…)

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Let’s see how quickly Ruby’s daggers become fists that she starts throwing. Great build up!


Can't wait to get there. I got an itchy trigger finger. Just like Ruby.