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STANDBY /// DATA FEED – Decrypting … OK.

Unpacking - - -




LOCATION: 87 NM North of Algiers

VESSEL CLASS/ID: Custom Luxury Yacht – “Night Crawler”

CREW: 13

INTEL: Two months ago our informant [REDACTED] left an encrypted message in our dark web dead-drop. A small data package containing details on a new type of weapon system called [REDACTED] which had fallen into the hands of a small time weapons trader named Magnus. How Magnus had acquired such weapon was a mystery on its own but the primary concern at the time was that the weapon had been put on auction in the black market. To prevent this kind of technology from falling into the hands of criminal elements and vanishing from our reach, two agents were activated to find and secure the package before it was moved off grid.


(MALE) Take it from the initial point of contact agent.

(FEMALE) But there is no time!

(M) Which is exactly why you will start following instructions and answer my questions.

(Female takes a deep breath.)

(F) Yes, sir.

(M) Initial point of contact.

(F) … We arrived in a private helicopter hired by Magnus. He was expecting us. Well … He was expecting that girl.

(M) Which girl?

(F) The idol. Baram. He was a big fan and decided to prematurely celebrate his unexpected rise to fame even though he hadn’t completed the sale of the package. Cocky fool thought he’d treat himself to a ‘private session’ with the singer-dancer. I don’t know how the agency managed to plant that suggestion into him, but it was an excellent cover and way in.

(M) Understood. How strict was the security on site?

(F) Security?

(Female chuckles.)

(F) Magnus fancied himself a Dubai playboy and was all social media posturing. All it took was a pair of boobs dangling in front of his eyes and he’d go off the tracks like a drooling high school boy. His little fortune and business had been built up by his family before him and he only took up the brand without any of the brains to back it up. How he acquired the package is beyond me. It … well, it looked like it was going to be like taking candy away from a child.

(M) So with such a lack of security and considering the target was a simple doorknob, how exactly did you manage to fail this mission?

(F) Did you not hear me?

(Female’s voice turns aggressive.)

(F) All it took was a pair of boobs dangling in front of his eyes! Those fucking skanks sidetracked the entire mission and we were forced to take action.

(To be continued…)

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