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“Did you notice, Luna? This is important.” Madam Z continues, “Although you will be trained in the use of deadly force, as we sharpen your body and mind to become a singular weapon system, our aim is never to kill. It is never to maim.”

Luna turns to look at Madam Z.

“Hex-fighting and the Hidden Arts, are about controlling the opponent. Hexes themselves are powerful means to shape the world. In particular the N-Hex. One that allows you to implant thoughts into the mind of the target. It is through its suggestion that we keep the world in check. And something that is dead … cannot be controlled.”

As Madam Z explains, she gestures toward the fighters and Luna's gaze returns to the mat where the battle rages on.

Baram manages to climb on top of the Amazonian giantess, immobilizing her arms and locking down Maya with her legs, pulling at her in two directions at once. She lets out a long groan of pain, to Baram’s satisfaction.



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