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Agents. It is happening. Everything at the same time. Which is kind of crazy, but here we go.

Classified: Maid for Combat is OUT NOW, and I really wanted to make a joke about it being cancelled, but today is too exciting and important to mess around like that XD. So check out the relevant post, and as usual, Classified-tier supporters will get direct download links through DMs shortly.

Now, as we move into the Hex 4.0 system, let me remind you of a couple of super important things to keep in mind.

1. The old VETERAN and ELITE tiers are officially merging: But what this means technically though, is that the VETERAN tier will shut down, the ELITE tier will be rebranded as the SECRET AGENT tier and drop in pricing. So if you wish to stay in the loop and follow along with the primary content flow you'll have to manually change your subscription into the tier called - SECRET AGENT.

2. Because I know some of you might still need some time to adjust, I'll leave the old VETERAN tier open until Monday for you to make the jump, after which it will be closed indefinitely

The shift might sound painful but in the end, it really is for the better.

For example, as we focus our production on the primary storyline, did you notice Countdown Trackers for Operation: Firestorm have gone from an ETA of 2 months and 3 weeks to just 1 month and 1 week? Yes, I did the math and this does mean that in about 5 weeks you'll have Operation: Firestorm in your hands (or screens actually)! After all, I did say we'll more than double the production rate, yes?

That also means that every single week I'll be able to share Sneak Peeks from Operation: Firestorm and any future stories that follow the Tournament saga.

Additionally, for ultra fans, remember that the new T3, called DEEP COVER AGENT, will also receive goodies on a weekly basis. Specifically my wild little experiments, exclusively here on Patreon. Some of it may be expanded panels from stories we know and love. Some might be one off experiments featuring brand new characters and settings. Some of it may be seasonal specials. Some may be done by popular demand! But what will be a certainty, it's that ALL of them will be super spicy just like we like it here at the Hex.

Finally, let's not forget the brand new experimental T4, also known as the INNER CIRCLE. A way for you to secure a limited commission slot that allows you to dream up a singular one shot  using any of the characters we already have modelled for a super special Patreon-only price. Just remember, I must be able to publish them publicly.

I originally planned to open just 2 such slots, but as of now, I think I'll go with 4 and see what happens.  It's a wild time!

And as you'd expect, higher tiers get all the benefits from the lower tiers.

Whatever happens, I'm really excited for the future of the Hex and I thank you once more for being part of my journey, and as usual, drop your comments down below or write to me directly on Discord as you already do.

Onwards and upwards. Over and out! <3

PS: For reference and detail on Hex 4.0 feel free to look back at last weeks announcement!



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