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Traversing the lands of Hyrule is by no means an easy task. Crawling with the forces of evil, one can easily find themselves face to face with death and only narrowly escaping. This is where we find our hero, Link, after an ill-prepared run in with fire chuchus has left him beaten and burnt.

The hylian man could feel a tinge of heat against his cheeks, less so from the scorching battle he'd just endured and moreso from the fact said battle had left his body exposed to the elements. Glancing around the landscape, it seemed that he was thankfully alone this far from civilization, but also meant finding new garb would be nigh impossible. He could feel his body ache as he trudged through the grassy knoll, before stopping in place as his foot came in contact with something strange...


Through the forest of grass blades the little Minish traveled, a strong gust of wind blowing them away from their village and leaving them alone and discombobulated in the wild. Taking a deep breath, they began their trek back into town. At least, they'd hoped they were heading in the right direction. 

Their spirits were high, all things considered, as a walk through the countryside was rather rare, what with all the gargantuan troubles that lurked throughout Hyrule, but this Picori was confident they would be fine. After all, who in their right mind would be this far out into Hyrule's wilderness?


......Uh oh. The Minish froze in place, their heart pounding in their chest as they glanced back over their shoulder.


Their eyes trailed up the enormous figure of a man walking towards them, stark naked. The hylian's eyes were trained not on the Minish, but on the surrounding area as his feet met the grass below with heavy, careless collisions. 


They had to run, they had to dive out of the way and escape as fast as they could, lest they become paste against this hylian's foot like some bug. The Minish began to run in a blind panic as fast as their little legs could carry them.


The footsteps were growing louder, the Hylian was drawing closer, the Picori completely unaware they were running right along the same path the Hylian was walking. Suddenly, a vast shadow covered the sky, as the dirt-coated sole of the Hylian loomed over the Picori. They tried to let out a scream, but the foot quickly enveloped them on all sides.


Link stopped. His brow furrowed as his foot rolled something around beneath his sole. It certainly wasn't a rock, but it was far to sturdy to be a simple bug. He pressed his foot against it a few times and rolled it around beneath his foot a bit longer before finally lifting it to see what he'd found. 

For the Minish, it would seem their hearty constitution would allow them to survive the normally fatal meeting with a Hylian's foot, whether it be for better or worse. Pinned beneath the filthy, sweaty sole, the minish quickly found themsleves being prodded with an ungodly weight before getting rolled around beneath this wall of flesh. They cried out for the Hylian to cease, but their pleas went unheard. Suddenly, the Hylian's foot was lifted from the ground, and with it came the Minish, much to their horror. 

Link peered at the underside of his foot to find....... a fairy? His brow furrowed as he plucked the little creature off of his foot and held it in hand. It didn't exactly look like a fairy — it bore no wings nor was it covered in that ethereal light — yet Link could think of nothing else this creature could be. He'd never seen a Minish before, as they'd taken to living far out from Hylian society as to avoid this exact situation. 

The Minish, however, was deathly aware of the stories of unaware Hylians destroying their villages and crushing their people without a second thought, whether beneath the hooves of their steeds or their own boots. Yet they'd rarely heard tale of a Hylian discovering them. They had no idea what to expect of this interaction, so all they could do was wait to see what Link would do, their voice caught in their throat out of fear of what this Hylian might do if they were to upset him. 

Link held this strange fairy in his hand, confused as to why it wasn't healing him. He'd held onto many a fairy in the past, their magic soothing his wounds with ease as they went on their merry way, and yet this one wasn't. Frustration grew on his face as he tried to parse why that may be, before the conclusion came to him in a flash. 

Most often, the fairies he carried healed him in his time of most dire need. In the twilight between light and death, the fairies would often usher him back to full health in an instant and allow him to continue onwards. He felt stupid for not remembering this, snickering to himself at his own idiocy before a new problem arose. 

He had nowhere to store this fairy...

Normally, he had a satchel or bottle to carry them along in, but he was currently without anything of the like. The breeze blew against his nude form as a stark reminder of everything he'd previously lost in battle, and thus he was left with a conundrum. He knew he'd need this fairy, but with nowhere to put it, what would he do...? The solution came to him in a flash once more, albeit he was far more embarrassed about the idea. 

To the Minish, they'd been getting silently examined for what felt like ages. The Hylian's expression continued to change, one moment it was confusion, then frustration before finally softening to the Picori. Then, a laugh! The Minish's heart slowed for but a brief moment as they'd figured the Hylian had realized what they were and planned to let them go on their way. As the Hylian bent over, the Minish smiled up at the giant in celebration of this chance meeting with Link smiling back, taking this as affirmation of his plan to contain the Fairy.

Oh, how misguided they both were...

As Link bent over, his other hand pulled his asscheek aside and held it in place. Where the Minish had thought they were about to be set down, they were instead brought behind the Hylian in full view of his rear, their hope shattered in an instant and replaced with full blown terror. The Hylian's puckered hole twitched in anticipation, causing the Minish to shriek with all the air in their lungs as they were rapidly thrust towards the awaiting hole. 

Link let out a small moan as he pushed the fairy's face against his sphincter, the tiny creature being much harder to push inside himself than he'd expected, the picori fighting against him for dear life unbeknownst to Link. However, they giant's strength would win out in the end, the Minish's head slipping past Link's tightened muscle as the light of the outside world vanished, before their little body would quickly join suite. 

The Minish was squeezed on all sides by the meaty insides of Link's butt, the little creature desperately pounding on Link's insides as they begged to be released. Link, however, had a different experience. All the fairy's struggling and squirming was causing Link the most intense arousal he'd ever experienced. Were Fairies an aphrodisiac, too? He supposed he did always feel strangely around the Great Fairies too...

Link gulped as his cock slowly rose to attention as the Minish continued struggling in Link's backdoor. As the Hylian glanced around the open field, he was certain there was no one for miles. He sat himself down in the grass and gripped his cock in hand, thanking the little fairy for this new discovery as he began relieving himself of this raging hard-on...




Just got even better ;)