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Rhys grimaced as he wandered the woods, his patrol feeling as though it were taking an eternity due to the discomfort he'd been feeling. Ever since he pulled on his panties this morning, he'd felt this near-constant itch in his nether regions. He almost likened the feeling to that of bugs crawling in his clothing, but knew there was little possibility of that.

Unknown to him, however, that was not far from the case. A certain orange-haired tabby loved to spread his enjoyment of tinies to his fellow paladins, and perhaps sprinkled a handful of the little people into Rhys' underwear drawer early in the morning while Rhys still slept. Regardless of how they got there, they were certainly experiencing Rhys intimately. 

It was a fairly warm day out, and with the thickness of Rhys' thighs causing them to squish and rub together with every step, the tinies found themselves in a constant state of motion as their little bodies were smushed against the skin of Rhys' cock and balls. Their only respite was when the paladin would stop for a moment, only for this to usually be due to him adjusting his panties for the upteenth time.

However, his current pause was different. His legs spread apart slightly as his face flushed red. The paladin glanced around the area, making sure there was nobody around to see the embarrassing display he was about to put on. He felt indecent at the mere thought, but if the itch wasn't going to relieve itself then his hands would have to do. 

Rhys brought his gloved hand down to his crotch, cupping his privates in his hand before rubbing his hand against them. He felt hot in the face at the action, wondering how indecent he must look, but pushed down those feelings in hopes of experiencing some form of relief. 

Meanwhile inside his panties, all hell broke loose. The tinies were pressed hard into Rhys' ballsac, finding themselves being vigorously rubbed into the flesh as though Rhys were trying to push them through to the other side. The heat and sweat of his privates fully engulfed the tinies within, coating them in a viscous coating of sweat and musk. The onslaught on their tiny persons felt endless, before it all ceased as soon as it'd began. 

Or at least they'd thought so.

Rhys' hand slipped inside of his underwear, offering a far more intimate and direct attack on the itchy surface. Unfortunately for the tinies, due to the sweaty skin they'd just been rubbed into, they were still glued to the paladin's skin and thus held no hope of escaping the additional attack from his gloved digits.

Again, the tinies were mushed and squished and ground down into Rhys' balls, their bodies engulfed fully in the soft, loose skin that housed the paladin's testes, their bodies being battered as Rhys' hand attempted to relieve the poor, oblivious paladin above. Many of the tinies found themselves passing out from the sheer force of it all, while the unlucky remained conscious through its extended duration, forced to live through the demeaning reality of being squished against a pretty boy's sweaty balls, nothing more than a mere itch to him.

With time, Rhys would cease his poking and prodding, hiking the panties up once more and waltzing along his way, with a crowd of battered tinies in tow well aware that this was nowhere near the end to their torment...



