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Kinsley felt himself being analyzed by the cold, disinterested eyes of the man before him. He'd only recently heard of Aegis, as the news of a male heir to the kingdom's throne had been announced, and Kinsley decided he would try his luck at being said heir's suitor. But now, as he felt the judging eyes scan his nude form, he was beginning to have second thoughts. He quickly shook them away, however. After all, it was for the good of his kingdom. 

"Try not to stress yourself out trying to amaze me." Aegis spoke up in a dull, droning tone that quickly snapped Kinsley out of his own internal monologue. "I am only interested in a casual affair for the evening, nothing more." 

On one hand, this did offer some semblance of comfort to the tiny prince, as he was sure the pool of suitors for such an enticing prince were in the hundreds, easily, and it his diminutive size he was unsure of how he might distinguish himself from other, more capable men. However, on the other hand, the idea that this was some throwaway fling between the two didn't sit right with Kinsley. Was Aegis this way with all his suitors? The way he spoke sounded almost...sad?

"Are you just going to stare all evening, borrower?" Aegis raised an eyebrow, Kinsley jumping in embarrassment as he realized he'd once again lost himself in thought. He shook his head and gave a bow to Aegis.

"So sorry, Your Highness. I've just never been in the presence of such beauty before." Kinsley spoke up, Aegis rolling his eyes. "I will try not to waste your time, Your Highness."

"You needn't be so formal." Aegis instructed. "You may approach this evening however you desire. All I ask is that you try your best to make it enjoyable for me as well." He finished, his tone once again coming across bored and disinterested. 

Kinsley nodded to the prince, staring forward at his naked body and feeling his face ignite in a red heat. Before him stood the man's pussy, nearly just as large as he was, with the rest of the prince's body being far more enormous. Kinsley took a deep breath and began to approach Aegis. He climbed up Aegis' thigh, causing the man to raise an eyebrow in slight confusion, before Kinsley began walking up the prince's body towards his chest.

Walking along the plush skin of the prince was a daunting task in and of itself, his soft skin giving way beneath Kinsley's weight and causing him to trudge across it as though trying to walk across a water bed. But trudge onward he did, the task growing easier as he reached Aegis' chest, where his sternum offered Kinsley far greater support to continue his approach. 

Aegis' confusion only grew as Kinsley moved past the man's chest and continued approaching towards his face. He'd initially thought Kinsley to just perhaps be a breast-man, but his complete disinterest in this surprised him. Was he to ask Aegis to pleasure him orally? At his size it wouldn't be difficult by any means, in fact he likened it to playing with a toothpick. However, Kinsley stopped before Aegis' face and looked up to him, his face aflush in a bright red.

"Your Highness..." Kinsley started. "Might I kiss you....?" 

Aegis blinked at him in confusion, his own cheeks flushing slightly. "Why are you asking such an innocuous question...?" Aegis questioned, the borrower in front of him fidgeting slightly.

"I don't want to overstep my boundaries, Your Highness." Kinsley answered honestly, Aegis staring at the nude man dumbfounded, before a fit of giggles escaped him, causing Kinsley to stumble backwards and fall onto his butt. Aegis covered his mouth as he attempted to regain his composure, apologizing for the outburst as he cleared his throat.

"Yes, Borrower, you may kiss me." Aegis assured him, with Kinsley offering a warm smile back seeing the giant prince smiling.

Kinsley quickly stood up, walking up to Aegis' face and placing his little hands on either side of Aegis' chin. The man was enormous, but even at this close a view, Kinsley couldn't help but find himself captivated by Aegis' beauty. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against Aegis' top lip, before being slightly surprised to feel Aegis' finger on Kinsley's back as Aegis gave the man a soft kiss back. 

Aegis' lips enveloped half of Kinsley's body at his size, the plush lips of the prince feeling heavenly against Kinsley's frame and causing the borrower's member to stir below him, standing at full attention for the royal before him and prodding his bottom lip. Aegis looked down at the erection before him, before raising an eyebrow and speaking softly to Kinsley, not wanting to burst the borrower's eardrums with his voice.

"Would you like help with that..?" Aegis asked, his voice filled with much more life than it were previously, causing Kinsley's face to burn even brighter. He gulped deeply, before looking away from Aegis. 

"Only if you'd like to...." Kinsley's voice came out breathy, almost afraid to ask something so salacious of the prince before him. 

"That's why I asked, silly."

Aegis' opened his mouth, his tongue rolling out as it prodded at Kinsley's shaft, drawing a sudden moan out of Kinsley. The borrower's face glowed with its redness, his outburst clearly being unintentional, the realization of which drawing out another small giggle from Aegis as he licked Kinsley again. This time, the borrower was able to maintain himself, biting down on his own lip to keep his little noises at bay. 

Aegis' tongue poked and prodded the little man's cock, drawing out shudders and moans the longer it was indulged, Kinsley having to hold onto Aegis' face to keep himself from collapsing as his knees quickly began to fail him. Aegis' tongue dragged itself up Kinsley's body, the borrower quickly covered in the sweet-scented saliva of the prince. Another moan escaped him, Kinsley's hips rubbing themselves against the massive tongue before him. 

Kinsley, in turn, kissed Aegis' upper lip once more, muffling his moans into it as Aegis plsyfully toyed with him. Soon, the prince's lips would wrap themselves around Kinsley's dick, Aegis lightly sucking on the borrower and causing his moans to flow freely from his mouth at the ecstasy that quickly washed over him. His legs trembled beneath him, Kinsley's fingers gripping tighter against the soft skin of Aegis' face as the prince's eyes looked down at him in amusement, clearly enjoying what a mess he'd made of Kinsley.

However embarrassed Kinsley was being reduced to a trembling mess before such stunning royalty, his hips paid him no mind as they mindlessly thrust themselves in tandem with Aegis' sucking. Kinsley continued to kiss Aegis' face, kissing his cheek and his nose before resting his head against the prince's face as he was rapidly drawing a climax out of the borrower. 

"Come for me. Now~!" 

Aegis gave a hushed demand, the nature of which causing Kinsley to give the prince exactly what he'd asked for. His seed sprayed forth, pumping forth into the prince's mouth as he continued to suck on Kinsley's cock, as though trying to draw out as much out of his release as he could. Kinsley gave a final moan into Aegis' face, before his body nearly collapsed atop him as the borrower let out tiny breaths, trying to compose himself after such a euphoric experience. 

He stood up, pulling himself free of Aegis' mouth before taking a step backwards. Aegis smiled at him, before sticking his tongue out to reveal Kinsley's seed dripping down the length of Aegis' tongue. In no world could Kinsley have covered the prince's tongue, but the surprising surface area he had managed to take up made Kinsley feel as though he might burst into flames from how flustered he quickly became, before Aegis brought his tongue back into his mouth and greedily gulped it down.

"A good start. Lets see how much more I can milk you for before the end of the night~!" Aegis cooed.




Fuck, that story is amazing!