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Lucifer's face ignited into a vibrant red at Roux's taunting, his partner clearly taking full advantage of the two's dynamic shift. Roux wasn't wrong, if Lucifer truly wanted to, even at his current size, he could fairly easily escape Roux's aptly named 'booby trap' they had him pinned in. But having his desires laid out so openly flustered the man beyond belief. 

Roux squeezed their breasts together as they slowly rose to their knees, keeping Lucifer locked in place as they looked lovingly down at the tiny man squished between them. They couldn't help but snicker as Lucifer stared up at them in stunned silence, face still a beet red as their night had only just started.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue~?" Roux giggled, the motion causing Lucifer to slip slightly between Roux's cleavage. "Has being so powerless taken away that world famous bravado of yours, too~?" They continues to tease, bouncing themself up and down and watch Lucifer struggle to 'stay afloat' as it were.

"Nooooooow, what to do with my little toy, tonight~!" Roux pondered, crossing their arms further and giving an exaggerated huff to further squeeze Lucifer. "I cooooould.... push you down a little and keep you squished between my tits~!" Roux giggled, pressing a finger down on Lucifer's head and slipping him inbetween their boobs.

Lucifer's world was entirely engulfed in his partner's flesh, with nothing but the droning beat of their heart and the heat of their skin filling his senses. That was, until  Roux began to play with themself. They fondled their breasts, squeezing and massaging themself as Lucifer was trapped within an avalanche of plush skin, now being additionally punctuated by a muffled giggle from the world outside. 

This went on for a solid few minutes as Roux reveled in feeling Lucifer's struggles, before they finally allowed the man to come up for air, Lucifer taking a deep breath in as he escaped what would have certainly been death for a much lesser man. As he reoriented himself, Lucifer looked up to Roux to find a much more salacious expression than before. Roux was clearly aroused, and was ready to ramp the two's night up significantly...

"Lets see what else we can do together~!"




Gotta say I always love your stories, the verbiage is always so captivating. ☺️


God I love how lush Roux's hair is!


Thank you! I'm always self-conscious about my own writing so i'm glad people like it!