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Dr. Horne ensured the man that the shrink ray was safe; something about the condensing of space between molecules and compacting something or other to increase its who-knows-what. He found it hard to pay full attention to the doctor's explanation, as the growing anxiety in his chest began to reach its tipping point the closer the two got to actually running the experiment.

"Just stand over there." Dr. Horne snapped the man out of his momentary stupor and drew his attention in. His eyes glanced down to the remote in the doctor's hand before he gave Dr. Horne a silent nod and stepped across the room. Dr. Horne gave a small nod, and with a brief 'CLICK', the man's world was enveloped in a violet light.

It almost felt like his body was vibrating at a molecular level, or perhaps it was just the trembling from his own worrying; it was hard for him to tell. However, the feeling he was sure was foreign to him was a strange sensation akin to being 'pushed' on all sides. As though someone had taken his body in their hands and squished him in their palm like silly putty. It wasn't an unpleasant experience, per se, just entirely strange. Though, he was sure he'd be dealing with a lot of pressure from all sides given what experiment he'd signed up for. 

He watched as for a moment, he seemed eye to eye with the Doctor, having previously stood nearly a head taller than him, before all at once he found himself lifted off his feet and hurdling towards the tiled floor beneath him. He couldn't help but scream as he fell what felt like a hundred or so feet before colliding with the cold floor below, making a small smacking sound upon impact. 

"Ah, perfect! Just as expected." Dr. Horne's voice was loud, booming, echoing throughout the room now as the man tried to get his bearings. A fall like that should have assuredly killed him, yet, aside from being a bit dizzy, he was completely unscathed. Not a scratch on him, though he did notice he was covered in a bit of dirt from where he'd landed. He rubbed his head as he watched a shadow envelope him, looking up to see the doctor staring down at him, wearing a smile that foreshadowed the next part of the experiment. He gulped as the gargantuan hand of Dr. Horne reached down and grabbed him.

The man managed to wiggle his head and shoulders out from within Dr. Horne's palm, just in time to look up at the Doctor's face; clearly excited judging by the rosiness of his cheeks. The doctor looked directly at the man with a smile.

"Lets not waste any time, shall we? After all, this experiment will last 24 Hours, so best not wait." He hummed, pulling the hem of his shorts free and giving the test subject a peak into his dwellings for the next day. He watched Dr. Horne's cock twitch in excitement as it awaited its new roommate, before the man was suddenly falling once again. He let out the briefest yelp before he bounced against the cloth net beneath him and came face to face with the Doctor's massive member.

He had but a second to catch his breath before the doctor released his grip on his shorts and the hem snapped shut, cutting off all light to the outside and gluing the man's body to Dr. Horne's cock and balls. His immediate reaction was fear as claustrophobia kicked in, squirming and fighting against the gargantuan genitals he was stuck to, only to find this movement would only worsen his situation. 

Dr. Horne's cock began to tense and grow as the man rubbed himself against it, creating even less space for him as the Doctor's now-throbbing shaft engulfed the tiny test subject and flattened him completely. It throbbed and pulsed against him with each little movement he made, the man hearing the doctor giggling outside of his cloth prison.

"Don't waste all your energy so quickly~!" The man felt the doctor's hand from outside his shorts rub the little man against his cock, clearly enjoying his presence in his shorts before continuing. "You have a loooooooong day of testing ahead, after all~!" With that, the doctor began to walk through his lab, rubbing the test subject up and down his shaft with every step he took...



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