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CW: Vore, Implied Death, Fear

Lily had been looking forward to this date all week, completely wooed by the fellow she'd met the other afternoon, but was now sitting by herself in the diner with the man nowhere in sight. She sat there in a huff, continually looking over her shoulder towards the door, before a kind waiter surprised her. 

"Here's your sundae, ma'am~!" They said in a peppy voice before quickly taking off.

"Oh, but I didn't--" Lily had no time to protest before the waiter zoomed off to another table. Lily glanced briefly down at the sundae: vanilla with fudge, sprinkles, gummy bears..? and a couple cherries. She let out a small sigh as she picked up her spoon and took her first scoop of ice cream. 

The tinies shrieked as they were placed in front of this gargantuan woman. They attempted to grab her attention, attempting to wave or call out for her, but their pleas were drowned out by the sound of rush hour in the diner, and it seemed the woman was paying nearly no attention to the sundae itself. As she reached for her spoon, the tinies began attempting to pull themselves free, but were wedged too deep into the frozen treat.

They watched as two of their fellow tinies were drawn away from the batch flailing wildly and begging for help as the woman's face quickly came into view. They shouted as loud as their tiny lungs would allow, praying their words would meet her ears. The spoon stopped just before her mouth, a brief glimmer of hope in the tinies minds. Had she heard them? We're they going to be saved? They nearly rejoiced as they believed the woman to be there hero before--

"Aaah~!" Lily opened her mouth, a wave of hot breath rolling over the tinies in front of her as their hope was swiftly contorted into helplessness. The woman's tongue rolled out like a red carpet and they were the guests of honor. Into the dark, wet cavern of Lily's mouth the tinies went, her lips shutting around them and sealing their fates as all the other tinies within the sundae could do nothing but watch on in horror. 

The tinies she'd plopped so carelessly into her mouth were toyed with by her tongue, savoring their flavor as the ice cream quickly melted in the heat of this chamber before a single gulp completely washed them away down her throat. To the tinies, this was the worst case scenario, but to Lily this was one of the tastiest bowls of ice cream she'd ever had. 

Quickly she took another spoonful, scooping up four tinies before running them along the hot fudge topping the ice cream and completely covering them from all sight. There wasn't a single chance they'd be seen by this oblivious woman. All they could do is scream and plead to God to show them mercy, but it proved fruitless. This giantess, completely unaware or, perhaps more terrifyingly, completely uncaring, opened wide for another bite and snuffing out another group of these poor people.

She scooped again, only one tiny this time. He'd attempted to grab onto something, anything, before he was dragged away but could only watch through teary eyes as the sundae he'd been tossed into quickly grew thousands and thousands of feet away. He turned to face his fate at the hands of this woman, seeing her staring down at him with a carefree smile; a sight that sickened the man to his core.

"Please!!!! Don't do this!!!! Please, I'm a person, help me!!!! Stop eating us, ple--"

"Aw, these gummy bears are so funny looking~!" Lily's voice boomed over him, his heart sinking to the pit of his stomach as he watched her ivory teeth reveal themselves and the spoon usher him away to his fate. He fought against her tongue as it toyed with him in her mouth, pushing him towards the back of her throat and quickly causing him to plummet where so many had unknowingly disappeared to before.

He certainly wouldn't be the least to fight against Lily's onslaught, but all these tinies would go unnoticed as the woman enjoyed the complimentary sundae as she tried to forget the fact that she'd been stood up that afternoon...



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