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It wasn't exactly clear what had happened. One second the man was drinking a long day of work away, the next he was fearfully whipping his head around trying to figure out why everything had gotten so much larger. At such a small size, however, he was completely overlooked by the gloomy woman that dragged herself into the bar, before positioning her enormous rear end just above him.

He tried to scream for her attention, to get her to notice him before it were too late, but the noise of the crowded bar made that nigh impossible; something the man would realize too late. As her ass began descending upon him, he attempted to make a run for it, only to stop at the edge of the barstool and question if such a fall would kill him.

This split second of thought would decide his fate for him, as he was slammed by what felt like the worlds largest pillow at mach speed. He was completely pinned beneath the woman's ass as its excess spilled over the chair. Not an inch of the faux leather was uncovered by Dottie's ass, leaving the man suffocating beneath her gargantuan behind. 

The man, not keen to die beneath the butt of some strange woman, slowly began trying to drag himself out from beneath her, centimeter by centimeter. Whether this motion was noticed by the woman or twas pure coincidence, Dottie shifted her weight from side to side, rolling the tiny man between her asscheeks as he fought helplessly against them. 

His head finally poked out from beneath the woman's rear end, with only open air beneath it as he glanced down towards the floor that was effectively a thousand feet down. He gulped at the sight, before groaning in pain as the woman leaned back in the stool and put all her weight onto the creaking chair beneath her. The man felt like he would pop if he did nothing. 

He pulled his arms free from their fleshy prison, and was attempting to pull himself free further, but Dottie seemingly had different plans. Suddenly, the woman stood up, her dress neatly tucking itself into the crack of her ass and dragging the little man with it. Each step of the giantess pummeled the man, wedging him further and further between this woman's cheeks as the world grew distant and muffled to him. 

After what felt like hours of walking, she sat down once more, this time with the man lost hopelessly beneath the sea of ass Dottie had unwittingly trapped him in; with the woman giving a nice grind into her seat as she got comfortable for what was sure to be a long night of drinking....
