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You weren't exactly sure what happened. One moment you were trying to assist Galilei in casting a slightly altered polymorph spell, when suddenly your vision went black. You felt as though your body was being stretched out at its sides and something was.... inside you? It was hard to describe, to say the least. What was stranger, however, was the sound of Galilei's frantic voice muffled nearby. 

You attempted to move yourself, your body offering no real sense of shifting aside from a slight vibration. Suddenly, you heard Galilei yelp and your entire world shift around you. Quickly, you felt whatever was inside you begin shifting quickly, the muffled sound of the college halls followed by what you would soon come to learn was Galilei's dormitory room door shutting. 

Suddenly, your world was flooded with light, your eyes taking time to adjust to the brightness of the chamber before you heard a shriek from Galilei as he clapped his hands to his mouth. As your eyes winked open, there you found yourself staring into a mirror, your body wrapped around Galilei's abdomen as a pair of panties. Your eyes widened in shock, before looking up to see Galilei wearing a similar expression.

"AH!!!!" Galilei yelped again as he saw you blink. "I-I-I'm so sorry!! I don't know what happened!! It was an accident, I-I-I.... I-I can fix it!!!" He panicked, moving around his apartment to seemingly search for a spellbook. While he hurriedly moved around the room, you began to feel something bizarre. You would say you felt something nudging against the back of your head, but it was more akin to the inside of your head pushing outward? The feeling was hard to put into words as you could feel your own face begin to stretch outward as you quickly realized what was occurring.

Was Galilei getting a hard-on...?

"Th-There it is!!" The wizard finally exclaimed after tossing every other book off his shelf. Moving back to the mirror and placing the book down on a table in front of him, his own face flushed bright red as he saw his own erection now stretching your face out completely, twitching and throbbing around you, the embarrassment of which causing it to shift more. 

"O-Oh god, th-this isn't what it looks like!! I-I mean it! I swear, I-I.... I'm not aroused! Th-this isn't intentional, I'm just nerv--I gotta--" His face was burning up as his cock throbbed inside you, the man flipping through his book as you could feel the spot where the head of his shaft hit the inside of your temple begin to grow damp. Despite his protest to the contrary, his body begged to differ. You could feel his precum seeping through your face, beginning to drip down your body as Galilei gave a small "Aha!!!"

"Th-this should reverse it!! Th-then you'll be back to normal and we'll never have to tell anyone about this ever, okay?" Galilei prattled on quickly, looking down at you before remembering you couldn't respond before shaking his head. "R-Right..." He slowly began to motion with his hands, channeling the arcane into them as they slowly began glowing purple. As he placed his hand in front of you, a purple light flashed before you, briefly blinding you before your vision returned and.....

Nothing happened.

Both you and Galilei stared at the reflection in shock, before the young wizard began to frantically wave his hands around again to try and cast this dispelling magic, and again.... nothing. You could feel the throbbing of his cock coincide with the beating of his heart as his anxiety skyrocketed, Galilei trying again and again before crying out.

"Why! Won't! It! Work!!" He exclaimed, before grabbing you, and by proxy his cock, with the arcane hand in a final attempt to undo this spell before it fell flat. He stared down at you for a long time, his eyes wide as you were gripped by his slender fingers, body clinging to his dick as he simply stood there a moment.

"I-I'm sorry....." Galilei spoke quietly, slowly moving his hand up his shaft. "B-But I..... I can't fix it....." He gulped, before sliding his hand back down his shaft, stretching you with it. "I don't know what's wrong, but....." His motions slowly began to pick up. "You just won't turn back...... is it....." He paused, his hand beginning to pick up speed as he was suddenly jacking himself off, stretching your little body around him as he did.

"Is it maybe because you want this.....?" He spoke aloud, the words shocking you.

"That must be it.... the spell must not be working because you wanna be my panties...." Galilei's words were turning to gasps of breath as his hand slid you up and down his shaft over and over. "You like this? You wanna be my undies forever...?" He bit his lip, the motions growing faster and faster as your body stretched further with each pull downwards. "Besides.... if I let you go.... y-you'd just tell everyone what happened and..... and I need to stay at this school....." He whined. 

You watched through the mirror as your body was used as this elf's toy, pleasuring himself with your cloth body as his moans and whines echoed against the walls of his dormitory. As his sounds grew more frequent, and the precum on your face spread further and further, soaking into your very being, with one final jerk downwards, Galilei exclaimed.

"You're all mine!!!" 

The moan that followed shook his body, as you felt a hot, sticky liquid burst forth from the seems in your body and begin to pump into and out of your cotton face over and over again for what felt like ages. You were grateful you couldn't breathe, as you were positive you'd be drowning in the amount of seed Galilei poured out onto your face as the man came down from his climax. 

He stumbled backwards and flopped into a chair, his cock still throbbing inside you as the boy's essence soaked into your body. He stared at his reflection, down to your jizz-soaked body, and smiled. "I'm happy you wanna stay with me....." He breathed out to your silent stare upwards. "I wanted to keep you like this, anyways...."



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