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POV: You'd been seated at this café for about 20 Minutes now, frantically checking your phone in anticipation as you nervously tapped your foot. You'd been looking forward to this date all week, so much so that you'd arrived half an hour early just to make sure you were there on time. Sweat dripped down your brow. You couldn't tell if it was from the nerves or the blistering heat outside, but chalked it up to an amalgamation of both.

An orange-haired server trotted by, wordlessly dropping off a glass of water for you which you greedily chugged, hoping it would calm your nerves only for the complete opposite to happen. Your stomach churned as you sat there, brow furrowed as you glanced around before moving to stand up, only.... you couldn't stand? You blinked a moment in confusion, only for your entire worldview to switch at a moments notice. 

Had you fallen backwards? You didn't feel like you had, yet here you were staring up at the sky. You felt like you were standing, yet just above you you could see the back of the chair you were just sitting in. You tried to move, but to no avail. You tried to speak, but no sound escaped your lips. In fact, you couldn't even feel your lips anymore. What the hell just happened??

You watched as waiters walked by, as other patrons stepped past you, all seemingly paying no mind to you despite you seemingly paralyzed on the floor. The realization of what had occurred came far too late as you watched--no felt-- a hand grab the back of the chair and pull. You slid backwards, and into view came another waiter and the date you'd been eagerly waiting for.

"Your seat, good sir." The waiter spoke with a polite smile and bow. "Your date must have just stepped away." 

"Oh, they're already here! Great! Thanks so much!" Sonny hummed as you tried to gather an expression on his face. It was damn near impossible to see anything from this angle, at least while the man was standing up. However, your view was quickly overtaken by Sonny's backside, his asscheeks taking up your entire worldview as they positioned themselves high above you. You watched sweat drip down the paladin's thighs, and his jean shorts hike up his butt as he bent over. You desperately tried to move, to alert him in any way, but you knew it was no use.

With one fell swoop, the entire weight of Sonny's dumptruck came crashing down on top of you, your wooden legs buckling beneath you as it landed. The sheer size of it smothered your face completely, your world becoming engulfed by the sweaty meat of your date's rear. You felt Sonny shift his weight from side to side, grinding his ass into you as he tried to get comfortable.

"Mmm... this chair really isn't the great...." The paladin whispered to himself as he continued grinding himself into your face over and over before giving a huff and resigning to his uncomfortable position. Not that it could be any more uncomfortable than what you were going through. The weight, the sweat, and the sheer heat of Sonny's ass on your face was unbearable. You'd already cooked in the sun for a good half an hour, and now you were made to be the tiny chair of a paladin whose ass engulfed it entirely.

No matter what you tried, nothing seemed to get Sonny's attention. All you could do was sit and watch as Sonny shifted his bubble butt atop you and waited for a date that would never arrive, unknowingly trapped beneath his gargantuan rear...
