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Marmalade's tongue scooped Mint up, the tiny paladin grimacing as the catboy's pink appendage pulled Mint towards his mouth. Within an instant, everything around Mint went dark, with nothing but the sound of wet sloshing and the heavy breaths Marmalade took in his own arousal. Sitting in his mouth was like a sauna, the heat of Marmalade's mouth making it hard for Mint to even breathe before he found himself being battered around by the catboy's tongue.

He was pushed up against the backs of Marmalade's teeth, the man's tongue far too strong for Mint to resist as it slid itself up and down the little paladin's body, savoring the taste of its most recent victim. Mint tried moving his face away at the very least, but the tongue was all encompassing, covering the man's face in the sticky saliva and the scent of Marmalade's mouth; a scent he was sure he'd smell like for weeks...

However, Marmalade's tongue slowly made its way down Mint's body, teasing the paladin as it inevitably found what it was searching for. The tongue lapped at Mint's cock, the tiny man immediately bucking in response as he let out a gasp, a feeling Marmalade reveled in as he focused his attention there further. 

His tongue mercilessly licked and wrapped itself around Mint's lower half, Mint completely breathless as he could do nothing but shudder in pleasure as he was played with like a piece of candy in Marmalade's mouth. A breath mint, if you would.

It didn't take very long for Marmalade to get his prize, his work on Mint's cock quickly resulting in Mint unloading himself all over the pink appendage, much to Marmalade's delight. With Mint's seed received, the catboy's mouth opened again, with Mint taking his first breath of fresh air in what felt like hours before catching sight of Ember, mouth agape and awaiting Mint's arrival. As Marmalade and Ember's mouths met, and Mint was enveloped in the two's tongue-wrestling, he could tell his time trapped in the boys' mouths had only begun...
