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This week will see the release of Stay Extended, it's taking a little bit longer because I wanted to figure out how to make extended scenes better using Subscenes!
I feel like I've been sleeping on them for too long, and as a consequence my scenes might be "technically" dated. I have the feeling there are better ways of doing things, saving time and ending up with better results.

You'll also see a little preview of this months release, which will be a DoD Lap!
See you soon :)


Marc Pepe

Awesome! We support you on your creative process and we can give you feedback on whether it’s an improvement! I agree that being able to change looks would be a great thing, some of us have our “favorite” girls and would be dreamy to use them on your scenes. But I also understand your looks are curated to the scene so it’s also great to experience that. I also get that that requires a bit more tweaking in terms of adding a button that adapts the scale of the character, as well as reset scene buttons. I guess one good thing to consider is trying to achieve relatively seamless/unnoticeable loops. I don’t think anyone has achieved that, it may be a limitation on VAM. Sometimes I just like to get lost on a riding scene without the stress of thinking it will end, if that makes sense. Anyway, I don’t expect those anytime soon, take your time, can’t wait to test how the subscenes work!! Thanks so much for all your work!