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Hello there!
This month has been very busy for me and I made the mistake of not planning ahead. As a result, most of my tasks fell behind, scenes included. It was bad scheduling on my part, and a little bit of bad luck with the PSU that is giving me problems and the replacement taking a little bit of  extra time to be delivered.
The next scene, a nice twerk lap with new moves and challenges, isn't anywhere close the level I'd like it to be.

So I made the decision to STOP the BILLING for this month, so on July 1st you won't be charged. I really appreciate your support, and I feel like I failed to deliver this month, so charging for this month didn't feel right, I hope you understand!

The next scene is still close, I'm aiming for the end of the first week of July, fingers crossed.

Love you guys,


Ned Holt

Alpaca, that was very considerate of you, thanks! Looking forward to your releases this summer!


Love you


I appreciate the update and the consideration! I'm very excited to see your release coming up. Please take your time; I'd rather see your usual topnotch quality, instead of you rushing it!


Been on vacation anyway... take your time


I was hoping for nipple sparklers on the 4th of July....


Hey Alpaca! Any updates? Looking forward to the new stuff


@Fferrett probably needs a pretty powerful one to handle all the rendering. It’ll be worth the wait im sure


Tons of Nvidia RTX below retail on the market right now... making space for the 4000 series. I'm holding my $$ for a new Ryzen 7000 or Intel 13th gen though. Since VAM wont improve to a functiona 2.x level anytime soon, brute force CPU power is needed.


Im so excited for your next release! You're still my top creator out of them all!