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As promised, Extended version of Timeless is finally (sigh) here! Tadaaaa
Some people were vocal about having an automatic transition between the looping stuff, without the need of a distracting UI. So I made it like that this time. No buttons.
Looking for feedback here, if you prefer it the other way I will fix that, it should be easy to do, as animations are already made.
There's full VaM launch implementation for toys, though there's a bug where some looping parts may go out of sync, I'm still investigating.

-VaM launch implementation a little buggy on the first loop;
-Alignment issues at the end:
-Enchanted eyes require shaders on HIGH, otherwise it will look like crap;
-Some animation derpyness at the with her arm, I'll fix it in a later update, as it happens towards the end it should be an easy fix;
-I need to understand how to clean dependencies as some of the stuff on the list isn't even used in the scene, weird;

Lights can be intense for some people.

Everything is on the hub, so just run a scan for missing packages and you should be good!

-Place "AlpacaLaps.Timeless_Extended.var" in your "AddonPackages" folder;
-Open Virt a Mate and before loading the scene verify on the "Package Manager" that AlacaLaps.Timeless_Extended.var has all the needed dependencies installed, if not download all the missing stuff;

-Freeze before loading the scene
-80Hz, physics cap at least at 2, 3 recommended;
-Shaders on HIGH, avoid low cause it looks bad;
-Possess the guy;
-Try to adjust without moving too much otherwise penis won't go where he's supposed to and will be very sad;
-To restart use default UI button or reload the scene entirely;
-Unfreeze and enjoy!;

-Hunting-Succubus for the eyes
-Jax for the dress and panties
-Roac for the hair
-SupaRioAmateur for the textures

Plugins - Glance: Realistic head-driven eye motion | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com) By Acidbubbles
-Plugins - Timeline | Virt-A-Mate Hub by Acidbubbles
-Plugins - Soundtrack audio sync | Virt-A-Mate Hub by lfe
-Plugins - Improved PoV | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com) By Acidbubbles
-Plugins - VAMMoan | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com) By Hazmhox





Nice, thanks. I'm okay with the lack of buttons.. Maybe a poll or discussion about this would have been more appropriate


How bout a really dim target dot that would hide the UI for those who don't like? That seems to be a good compromise.


yea that's a good approach. Maybe something more immersive would be a really cool thing.. Triggering a pose change by touching special body regions or so.. Unfortunately, this is impossible to implement, hands are always all over her body and this would mess up the mechanics :D