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-Added VaM Launch support! The toy animation has been manually scripted and smoothed for better immersion. Really brings it to the next level!
You will need the Plugins - VAMLaunch repack | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com) installed and properly synched to your toy for it to work!


This is my first attempt at creating something more atmospheric, it's still an empty dark room for FPS reasons, but I wanted to add something more to give it a new and unique look. I feel like these are starting to look all the same, so I hope you don't mind! ;)

-Low FPS with third pink light, you can turn it on if you don't mind;
-Alignment issues at the end:
-Enchanted eyes require shaders on HIGH, otherwise it will look like crap;
-Some animation derpyness at the with her arm, I'll fix it in a later update, as it happens towards the end it should be an easy fix;
-I need to understand how to clean dependencies as some of the stuff on the list isn't even used in the scene, weird;

Lights can be intense for some people.

Everything is on the hub, so just run a scan for missing packages and you should be good!

-Place "AlpacaLaps.Timeless.var" in your "AddonPackages" folder;
-Open Virt a Mate and before loading the scene verify on the "Package Manager" that AlacaLaps.Timeless.var has all the needed dependencies installed, if not download all the missing stuff;

-Freeze before loading the scene
-80Hz, physics cap at least at 2, 3 recommended;
-Enable "Mirror Surfaces" for this one!;
-Shaders on HIGH, avoid low cause it looks bad;
-Possess the guy;
-Try to adjust without moving too much otherwise penis won't go where he's supposed to and will be very sad;
-To restart use default UI button or reload the scene entirely;
-Unfreeze and enjoy!;

-Hunting-Succubus for the eyes
-Jax for the dress and panties
-Roac for the hair
-SupaRioAmateur for the textures

Plugins - Glance: Realistic head-driven eye motion | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com) By Acidbubbles
-Plugins - Timeline | Virt-A-Mate Hub by Acidbubbles
-Plugins - Soundtrack audio sync | Virt-A-Mate Hub by lfe
-Plugins - Improved PoV | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com) By Acidbubbles
-Plugins - VAMMoan | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com) By Hazmhox

I have you guys had a wonderful Christmas Eve!
See you soon for the VaM Launch update and Extended version in a few days!





Truly a magnificent work! One of my favourites. Keep it up;)


Beautiful moves, very atmospheric. Raging is such a great series!


Good scene -- always looking forward to the extended. Consider replacing Improved POV with Embody in future work, it certainly improves the possession and impacts. Timeless should have an endless loop at the end I would think, to be name oriented.


All your scenes are a work of art. The music, lightning, animations.


I like the clock. Very nice. Kind of thing I would do lol ;)