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Since a lot of you guys have been asking how to make The Handy work with VAM, I will simply copy and paste a guide made by reddit user virtamuser, it's very well written and fool proof.

Link to post :Using the Handy with Virt-a-mate in bluetooth mode : theHandy (reddit.com)

"For people who already know a bit how to use Virt-a-mate, here's a tutorial on using your Handy with it. I've found the previous tutorials to be outdated, or missing a couple of important steps (like: how do you get into bluetooth mode!).

Virtamate is a very sophisticated VR Sandbox. You'll find lots of information and samples in this subreddit: r/VAMscenes (though it's heavy with spam, so use the "top" filters or go into the Wiki).

A whole ecosystem of patreon creators provide ready-made scenes too. If you need only one example, check this one by C&G Studios, who use motion capture in their scenes: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/madeupwholebellfrog

Ok, let's see how to use the two together. Massive props to /u/qdot76367 for making this possible.

First, you need to make sure your Handy is up to date to Firmware 3.

You can tell if the led turns purple in Wifi mode. If it's not the case, go there: https://www.handysetup.com/en/release-notes/firmware-3-release/#upgrading-manually (I had to do it on mine, as the handyfeeling site didn't propose it automatically).

Next, you need to put your Handy in Bluetooth mode !

Press the wifi button so that it pulsates purple.

Now press the wifi button again and hold it so that it pulsates blue.

Obviously, you'll need a bluetooth adapter on your PC. A BLE 4.0 usb adaptor seems to work best. You can find some for less than 10$. See here about the details: https://nonpolynomial.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058481971-What-type-of-bluetooth-adapter-do-I-need-to-use-Buttplug-software-BT-4-or-BT-5-Onboard-or-dongle-

On the download side, we only need VamSync 3

VamSync already contains an "Intiface/Buttplug.io" system inside, no need to download anything else.

Download VaMSync-3.0-Windows-x86_64.zip from here: https://github.com/intiface/VaMSync/releases/tag/v3.0

This zip contains a "vamLaunch" directory and a vamsync-install.exe file.

  1. Unzip the VamLaunch directory into [YourVamFolder]/Custom/Scripts/VamLaunch
  2. Execute the vamsync-install.exe file. If Windows Defender complains, execute it anyway.

Now, we can do things the easy way or the hard way. I'll comment about the hard way below.

The easy way to setup VamSync

  1. From the Windows Start Menu, run VamSync. Alternatively, it's installed here by default: "C:\Program Files (x86)\VAMLaunch\VaMLaunchGUI.exe"
    It should be in "Embedded" mode. Meaning we won't be using Intiface Desktop, and just use the internal connection libraries.
  2. Click on Connect if it's not connected already.
    After a few seconds, "The Handy" should appear.
  3. Click on The Handy.
  4. Click on "Stop Scanning" too.

Now, let's open Virt-A-Mate

The plugin needs to be on an atom, it can't be a scene or session plugin. (I think a good idea is to load it as user-defaults on a male, along with BetterPOV)

  1. Go into edit mode. Select the Root control of the Male or Female. Go into Plugins.
  2. Add Plugin. In the newly added plugin entry (at the bottom), click on Select File.
  3. Click once on the VamLaunch directory, and select the ADD_ME.cs file.
  4. Click on "Open Custom UI". You will be able to click "Pause Launch". Doing so will activate the Handy with a simple oscillator.
  5. But you can use one of the other modes, including the Influence Zone:

Sometimes, you don't need to follow the hips or the pelvis, but another body part for a smoother movement."

As for my scenes, I'm still experimenting with it but for now I think I'll stick to scripting manually movements against linking it to the pelvis. Some scenes are complex and movement isn't supposed to be triggered by hips only, so this is the only solution.

I know this is extra work, but if you are able to try it out you will agree with me that it will take all VaM scenes to the next level!
If you have any questions feel free to ask.



Awesome! Gonna have to wait til my roommate is out, but looking forward to it. It might be quieter than alternatives but still by no means quiet 😅 As for your own scripts, do we just need to make sure vamlaunch is connected before launching scene, or do we need to activate the plugin after?


That's handy...


While I'm curious about the toy, I always counter that curiosity with the anxiety of having to explain to the nurse in the ER what happened if the device goes all SkyNet on me.


I'm unsure if anyone else has gotten VAMlaunch running yet, but i'm running into a path not found error. I can load the plugin by itself and verify that it's connected but as it is I can't get it to load. I'll reply with a screenshot of the log.


Same issue here. I had to remove and re-add the plugin. Doing this will also clear the plugin settings. You need to set the right values back afterwards: Motion Source -> zone, Target Atom -> cube, Target Control -> control. Dont forget to uncheck the "Pause Launch" box. I don't know if its due to the issue, but the scripted motion of that thing is sometimes completely out of sync, very clumsy and the Timelinetrack is not looped, it will end after 86 seconds. Nonetheless.. credits to Mr. Alpaca for creating such amazing things!


Just remember that the ER is filled with stories about the ridiculous things they have pulled out of people's butts ... like flashlights and shampoo containers ... after that, having a legitimate toy go wrong probably wont be the department story of the week ... ;)


Ahah well after it gets going it's not really THAT quiet XD What I'm trying to do is make the plugin ready for play, but I've heard reports of issues so I'll need to investigate