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Hello there! As anticipated here's the first Extended version of Raging!
This one will end on a bj looping animation.
In the coming days two more versions will be released, in which the ending will be completely different.

-This scene has now Vam Launch implementation!
If you really want to bring these scenes to the next level I really recommend checking it out.
This plugin basically syncs the girl movements with a sex toy.
I've personally tested it with the TheHandy, but it should work with all toys.
-Added some sounds, I'm not completely happy with the BJ stuff and will probably update it in the coming future;

-Restart button is missing so using the UI one might cause problems;
-Low FPS when she is close (if it happens lower or disable entirely AA);
-Collision issues with the top;
-Alignment issues at the end:
-Vam launch sync is missing the loop, so  it will stop after a while, gonna fix it in the next update;
-Enchanted eyes require shaders on HIGH, otherwise it will look like crap;
-I might have fucked up something with the dependencies, I'll investigate later;

Lights can be intense for some people.

-Place "AlpacaLaps.Raging_Extended.var" in your "AddonPackages" folder;
-Open Virt a Mate and before loading the scene verify on the "Package Manager" that AlacaLaps.Raging_Extended.var has all the needed dependencies installed, if not download all the missing stuff;

-Freeze before loading the scene
-80Hz, physics cap at least at 2, 3 recommended;
-Enable "Mirror Surfaces" for this one!;
-Shaders on HIGH, avoid low cause it looks bad;
-Possess the guy;
-Try to adjust without moving too much otherwise penis won't go where he's supposed to and will be very sad;
-To restart use default UI button or reload the scene entirely;
-Unfreeze and enjoy!;


The top is not on the HUB, so you can find it here:
Clothing - Bandeau Top | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com)
So run a "Scan for missing files" on the HUB and make sure everything is properly installed.

-Hunting-Succubus for the eyes
-Virtacreate for the top
-Roac for the hair

(1) Plugins - VAMLaunch repack | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com)
Plugins - BJSFX | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com)
Plugins - VAMMoan | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com)

Plugins - Glance: Realistic head-driven eye motion | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com) By Acidbubbles
-Plugins - Timeline | Virt-A-Mate Hub by Acidbubbles
-Plugins - Soundtrack audio sync | Virt-A-Mate Hub by lfe
-Plugins - Improved PoV | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com) By Acidbubbles



Bret Champagne

i almost raged against the machine (my virtual dick slipped away - did you try this almost new "divining rod" plugin - potentially hilarious btw, but pretty effective) A good treat in the end. VAM owners should consider to give you bucks, shares , more love, etc. you are one of the few who make this hot!

Bret Champagne

be sure i'll renew/extend my support before the end of the month -)


Thanks man! A good way to start a sunday morning :) This scene, as well as the dance on dick scenes are also great for a Leap Motion Controller mounted to the hmd. It works surprisingly well for hand and especially finger tracking.

Sean Legend

Great, thanks for integrating VAMLaunch. Note that i had to manually the VAMLaunch.cs into the var pacjage because i was getting an error that VAMLaunch.cs wasn't available


Is there still going to be an extended version of Cataclysm?


Yes Indeed, I wasn't happy with the final animation and was debating reworking it completely


Hey Alpaca! Quick question/suggestion: In some other creator's dancing scenes with clothing involved, they are able to let us switch the look of the individual, but it keeps the clothing that was originally chosen for the scene. Is there a way for you (or any user) to implement that easily? Thanks!